Judy Blume: Our Favorite Author By Sally Bryan and John Doe
Personal Information Judy Blume was born in Elizabeth, NJ on February 12, She Graduated from New York University in 1961.
Family Judy Blume’s Husband is a writer of non-fiction books. She has three grown children and one grandchild, whose first word was “book.”
Books by Judy Blume Judy Blume has written over 20 books for children. Her first book was a picture book called The one in the Middle is the Green Kangaroo. Other books by Blume include: Freckle Juice Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Superfudge Fudge-a-mania Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great Double Fudge
Characters Fudge – Fudge is one the most loved characters in all of Judy Blume’s work. Fudge is not a real person, but she based him on her son when he was in pre-school. The Pain and the Great One are really Judy’s son and daughter when they were six and eight years old. Shiela Tubman was scared of dogs, the dark and thunderstorms just like Judy was when she was a child.
Being A Writer Blume gets her ideas from everywhere: memories of her life, things that happened to her children, things she sees and hears and mostly from her imagination. All of Blume’s books start on a day that something different happens. For example, Superfudge started on the day Peter found out his parents were having another baby. It takes Judy Blume about one year to write a book from beginning to end.
Awards Are You there God? It’s Me Margaret won the Outstanding Book of the Year by the New York Times in Freckle Juice won the Michigan Young Readers Award in Fudge-a-mania won the Michigan Readers Choice Award in 1993.
Why Judy Blume is our favorite author Judy’s books are funny and entertaining. Her characters face many of the same situations that we face everyday. When we read her books it’s like we are a part of the story.
Learn more about Judy BlumeJudy Blume
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