Author’s Purpose
Why do you think authors write the things that they write? Think about William Joyce William Shakespeare Jean Little Patricia Lauber Gary Paulsen Scott O’Dell Your favorite author
Some authors write to entertain us.
Some authors write to inform.
Some authors write to persuade.
Some authors write to explain.
What do you think this author’s purpose is? In 1976, two space probes, Viking & Landers, touched down on Mars.
What do you think this author’s purpose is? We had a fascinating day exploring the lush island with its multitude of wild animals.
What do you think this author’s purpose is? I believe that Congress should declare Rosa Park’s birthday as a national holiday, because she was influential in the fight for civil rights.
What do you think this author’s purpose is? The alka rocket popped open because the chemical reaction created carbon dioxide, which expanded...
On your own sheet of paper... Write a sentence for each of the four different author’s purposes. Under each sentence, list the 4 purposes as a., b., c., d. so that they can circle the correct choice. (Like a multiple choice test) a. Explain b. Inform c. Persuade d. Entertain Give your “quiz” to your partner to try.