Comprehension Skill Lesson The Keeping Quilt Theme 2, Selection 1 Author’s Viewpoint Comprehension Skill Lesson The Keeping Quilt Theme 2, Selection 1
Author’s Viewpoint Includes… Her attitude -- what she thinks, feels, and believes. Her purpose for writing -- why she writes the story
How do you figure it out? Think about the details the author includes to make a point about a subject.
Who wrote The Keeping Quilt? Patricia Polacco She has repeated some details to emphasize an important idea.
What is included in the special gift she receives when she is born? Carle What is included in the special gift she receives when she is born? gold flower salt bread
When are similar gifts given? Anna’s engagement Carle’s wedding bouquet
Why do you think Patricia Polacco repeats these details?
Think about it… Why does the author repeat the details about the quilt? What is the author’s viewpoint about her family traditions?