MONTGOMERY COUNTY BOOK FESTIVAL 2015 Move Your Body/Stretch Your Mind (Exercise and Read) SATURDAY, February 21, :00 AM - 6:00 PM Lone Star College-Montgomery For more information go to
MONTGOMERY COUNTY BOOK FESTIVAL 2015 This event is FREE!!!! There will be Writer’s Workshops for teens and adults from 10:00-11:30 There are 9 Author Discussion Panels sessions made up with 27 authors and graphic novel designers from 1:00-4:00 Two keynote speakers
KEYNOTE SPEAKER Ellen Hopkins is the New York Times bestselling author of Crank, Burned, Impulse, Glass, and many other novels. She gets thousands of hits from teens who claim Hopkins is the "only one who understands me”.
KEYNOTE SPEAKER Andrew Smith is the award-winning author of several young adult novels including the critically acclaimed Winger and The Marbury Lens. His new book is the Alex Crow.
MONTGOMERY COUNTY BOOK FESTIVAL 2015 The “TEEN ZONE” will be available to hang out and meet authors. Books will be available for purchase and autographing. Snacks available for purchase Local school and private groups will be performing all afternoon