Efficient Language Learning from Restricted Information Cristina Bibire 19 th of May 2006 DEA defence Professor Colin de la Higuera Professor Victor Mitrana EURISE University of Saint-Etienne, France GRLMC Rovira i Virgili University, Spain
Efficient Language Learning from Restricted Information Goal: Incremental algorithm which is able to infer CFL (?) from: -T-Text (positive examples) - C- Correction queries (generalize membership queries) Negative examplesEquivalence queries
Characterization of State Merging Strategies Submitted to URV Press, 9 th of November 2005
Characterization of State Merging Strategies TB algorithm (Trakhtenbrot and Barzdin – 1973) Gold’s algorithm (Gold – 1978) RPNI algorithm (Oncina and Garcia – 1992) Regular Positive and Negative Inference Traxbar algorithm (Lang – 1992) 1997 – Abbadingo One Learning Competition EDSM algorithm (Lang, Pearlmutter, Price) Evidence-Driven State Merging W-EDSM algorithm (Lang, Pearlmutter, Price) Windowed EDSM Blue-fringe algorithm (Lang, Pearlmutter, Price) SAGE (Juillé – 1997) Self-Adaptive Greedy Estimate
Efficient Language Learning from Restricted Information Characterization of State Merging Strategies Submitted to URV Press, 9 th of November 2005 Learning DFA from Corrections Co-authors: Leonor Becerra-Bonache, Adrian Horia Dediu Presented at TAGI, 22 nd of September 2005
Learning DFA from Corrections
Efficient Language Learning from Restricted Information Characterization of State Merging Strategies Submitted to URV Press, 9 th of November 2005 Learning DFA from Corrections Co-authors: Leonor Becerra-Bonache, Adrian Horia Dediu Presented at TAGI, 22 nd of September 2005 Learning DFA from Correction and Equivalence queries Co-authors: Leonor Becerra-Bonache, Adrian Horia Dediu To be submitted to ALT 2006 – Barcelona, Deadline: 25 th of May
Learning DFA from Correction and Equivalence Queries
Efficient Language Learning from Restricted Information Characterization of State Merging Strategies Submitted to URV Press, 9 th of November 2005 Learning DFA from Corrections Co-authors: Leonor Becerra-Bonache, Adrian Horia Dediu Presented at TAGI, 22 nd of September 2005 Learning DFA from Correction and Equivalence queries Co-authors: Leonor Becerra-Bonache, Adrian Horia Dediu To be submitted to ALT 2006 – Barcelona, Deadline: 25 th of May Learning 0-Reversible Languages from Correction Queries Only Co-author: Colin de la Higuera To be submitted to ICGI 2006 – Tokyo, Deadline: 27th of May
Learning 0-Reversible Languages from Correction Queries Only
Efficient Language Learning from Restricted Information Characterization of State Merging Strategies Submitted to URV Press, 9 th of November 2005 Learning DFA from Corrections Co-authors: Leonor Becerra-Bonache, Adrian Horia Dediu Presented at TAGI, 22 nd of September 2005 Learning DFA from Correction and Equivalence queries Co-authors: Leonor Becerra-Bonache, Adrian Horia Dediu To be submitted to ALT 2006 – Barcelona, Deadline: 25 th of May Learning 0-Reversible Languages from Correction Queries Only Co-author: Colin de la Higuera To be submitted to ICGI 2006 – Tokyo, Deadline: 27th of May Correction Queries - A New Approach in Active Learning Co-authors: Leonor Becerra-Bonache, Adrian Horia Dediu To be submitted to TCS – 25 th of June
Efficient Language Learning from Restricted Information Characterization of State Merging Strategies Submitted to URV Press, 9 th of November 2005 Learning DFA from Corrections Co-authors: Leonor Becerra-Bonache, Adrian Horia Dediu Presented at TAGI, 22 nd of September 2005 Learning DFA from Correction and Equivalence queries Co-authors: Leonor Becerra-Bonache, Adrian Horia Dediu To be submitted to ALT 2006 – Barcelona, Deadline: 25 th of May Learning 0-Reversible Languages from Correction Queries Only Co-author: Colin de la Higuera To be submitted to ICGI 2006 – Tokyo, Deadline: 27th of May Correction Queries - A New Approach in Active Learning Co-authors: Leonor Becerra-Bonache, Adrian Horia Dediu To be submitted to TCS – 25 th of June Learning RTL from Correction and Equivalence Queries Co-author: Cătălin Ionuţ Tîrnăucă To be submitted to WATA 2006, Deadline: 31 st of May
Learning RTL from Correction and Equivalence Queries