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A Science Fair Project has 5 steps. 1.Find an idea 2.Research and Hypothesis 3.Designing your Experiment 4.Data and Conclusion 5.Putting it all Together
The Scientific Method 1.Ask a question. Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? Which?
The Scientific Method 2. Research the Question. This gives you information about your question.
The Scientific Method 3.Form a hypothesis. A hypothesis is an educated guess about the answer to your question.
The Scientific Method 4. Do an experiment to test your hypothesis.
The Scientific Method 5. Analyze your data and draw a conclusion. What did your experiment prove?
The Scientific Method 6. Present your Results. Tell the world what you know.
The Library has a bunch of Science Fair project idea books.
Places to Look for an Idea Discovery Channel Exploratorium Fact Monster How Stuff Works: Science NASA
How to Cite a Source Book last name, first name. Title. Place: publisher, date. Magazines Author. “Title.” Magazine. Date:page.
How to Cite a Source Database Author. “Title.” Magazine. Date: page. Name of the Database. Date of Access. Web address. Website Title of Site. Editor. Date. Name of Sponsoring Institution. Date of Access..
How to Cite a Source Or create an account on: Bibme
Works Cited Haduch, Bill. Science Fair Success Secrets. New York: Dutton Children’s Books, Hirschmann, Kris. You Can Create a Killer Science Fair Project. New York: Scholastic, 2010.