LUCAS Cluster Meeting - Industrial Automation
LUCAS– Centrum för Industriell Programvaruteknik i Lund Datavetenskap – Boris Magnusson Telekommunikationssystem – Per Runeson Reglerteknik – Karl Erik Årzén Mer info:
LUCAS – Center for Applied Software Research LUCAS är en samordning av programvaruinriktad verksamhet vid institutionerna för: Datavetenskap Telekommunikationssystem Reglerteknik LUCAS har stöd från Vinnova med målsättningen att bli ett kompetenscentrum.
Tematiska områden Följande tre områden täcks av centrat: Software Engineering Environments Methods in Software Engineering Real-Time System Software
Medlemsföretag Guld Ericsson Mobile Platforms Sony Ericsson Mobile ABB Automation Products Silver Telelogic, Q-Labs, Ericsson Microwave Brons TAC, ABB Robotics, IAR, connectBlue, BlueCell, Axis, C-Technology Diskussion: Softlab, PDC (DK),...
LUCAS Projects
LUCAS aktiviteter Forskningsprojekten LUCAS dagarna LUCAS klustermöten Industriell automation XP Nätverk & Bluetooth Testning, verifiering, validering Kurser, seminarier
Automation Systems: Languages & Implementation Goal/idea: Use modern OO ideas in the design and implementation of control and automation systems Domain-specific languages, co-design of control application and run-time environment, co-simulation tools Progress: ABB project within LUCAS Aspect-oriented language development systems (Applab, JastAdd) Complementary work at Automatic Control Actors: VINNOVA, SSF, ABB ATP, ABB Robotics, Sigma Exallon, TAC(?) Karl-Erik Årzén, Klas Nilsson, Görel Hedin, Torbjörn Ekman, Anton Cervin, Dan Henriksson
Feedback and QoS in Embedded Systems Goal/idea: Study the possibility to use feedback principles in the modeling, analysis, and design of embedded systems as a way of handling the uncertainties in large and complex real-time systems Study the possibility to use quality-of-service principles in feedback control systems Progress: Joint project between CS and AC funded by SSF/ARTES FLEXCON application in submission to SSF/IT (passed first evaluation) Actors: VINNOVA, SSF, ABB ATP, ABB Robotics, Sigma Exallon, TAC(?) Karl-Erik Årzén, Klas Nilsson, Anton Cervin, Sven Gestegård Robertz, Dan Henriksson
Java for Embedded Systems Goal/idea: Enable the use of OO in embedded and control systems Progress: Virtual machine, compiler, RT-system design: GC, scheduling, kernel Experiments and prototyping on several plattforms Product development Actors: Vinnova, ABB, BlueCell & TAC, Softlab(?), Ericsson(?), Telelogic (?), C-Technologies(?), IAR(!) Boris Magnusson, Roger Henriksson, Klas Nilsson, Anders Ive, Anders Nilsson, Anders Blomdell
Networked Control Systems Goal/idea: flexibility through new techniques: dynamic linking, radio communication (Bluetooth). Progress: New project with Vinnova support Relations to Java and COOP and control projects Actors: Vinnova, ABB AP(?), BlueCell(?), TAC(?) Boris Magnusson, Karl-Erik Årzén, Klas Nilsson, Anders Nilsson, Bo Lincoln
System & Software Architectures in Robotics Goal/idea: Study system & software architectures that allow flexibility in industrial robotics systems Vision, force control, collaboration, distributed control Progress: Robotics lab at AC important base resource for LUCAS Long time collaboration with ABB Robotics Actors: VINNOVA, ABB Robotics, Klas Nilsson, Anders Robertsson, Mattias Haage, Rolf Johansson, Anders Blomdell, Daniel Einarson
Integrated Control & Scheduling SSF / ARTES Teleca och DDA Consulting som industriella noder Anton Cervin och Sven Gestegård
Automation Important area for Swedish and local industry Area with long tradition Currently in a state of transition Several instantiations: industrial, building, automotive, … Wide range from enterprise-wide systems (Industrial IT) to tiny embedded controllers
Automation Programmable systems system level (configuration, compilation, run-time system, …) application level (user programming) Domain-specific languages graphical easy to use but not constraining animation & visualization standards (e.g. IEC , S88, S95,…)
Automation Real-time requirements periodic execution determinism support for concurrency Distributed execution Safety-Critical verification (formal or practical) important hybrid systems (plant + controller)
Automation Small market COTS hardware and software Efficient development processes and reuse Modern software techniques concurrent object-oriented languages (Java, C#) Interesting tradeoffs flexibility and openness vs safety and performance