Civil Disobedience & from Resistance to Civil Government
Civil Disobedience Coined by Thoreau when he chose to disobey a law Thoreau, MLK Jr., Ghandi
Civil Disobedience Logical appeals – facts, examples and well- reasoned arguments Ethical – based on widely accepted morals and values Emotional – Language and anecdotes that arouse strong feelings (Talking about a common experience)
Resistance to Civil Government Many Americans believed that we had provoked the Mexican War in order to expand slaveholding territories. Thoreau was protesting this war at the time of his arrest
From Resistance to Civil Government Paradox – Statements that express the complexity of life by showing how opposing ideas can be both contradictory and true at the same time "The swiftest traveler is he that goes afoot." (Henry David Thoreau, Walden) The less you have the more free you are. - Ivan Illich
Resistance to Civil Government “That government is best which governs least…” In an ideal world, people would not need governments at all Logical appeal Can there be, simultaneously, a government and no government?
Resistance to Civil Government Because a standing government, is like a standing army, it should be disbanded Government is manipulated by few, and effects many.
Resistance to Civil Government Government = a wooden gun The government is not as forceful as one individual and accomplishes nothing on its own (logical appeal) “It does not keep the country free. It does not settle the West. It does not educate.” (emotional appeal)
Resistance to Civil Government Thoreau asks for a better government Have man choose their own government that suits them Thoreau is assuming that people will voice their opinion
Resistance to Civil Government Men say they would like to be sent to Mexico to help the slaves, but they send someone else to do that. These same men buy tobacco products and cotton, which supports the slave owners These same men pay taxes, which support the war
Resistance to Civil Government Thoreau believes one HONEST man can inspire others Thoreau describes himself as the common taxpayer (emotional appeal)
Resistance to Civil Government Paradox Thoreau is in prison and even though his body is imprisoned, his mind and convictions are free
Resistance to Civil Government Paradox Thoreau assumes that the men in prison are HONEST men because he is in jail for being honest he assumes the same of others
Resistance to Civil Government Civil Disobedience Thoreau agrees to follow laws that only he has agreed to In any other circumstances, he is free to disobey
Resistance to Civil Government Persuasive techniques/ ethical appeal Thoreau’s main argument appeals to the assumption held by many Government was formed by an absolute monarchy and that it can improve by focusing on the individual
Resistance to Civil Government Paradox Citizens live “aloof” from government and still fulfill the duties of “neighbors and fellow men” People can refuse to pay certain taxes and not receive certain governmental benefits, but they still are an honest and patriotic citizen