The UK Government
The Government The Government consists of the ministers appointed by the Crown on the recommendation of the Prime Minister The government runs the country. It has responsibility for developing and implementing policy and for drafting laws. It is also known as the Executive.
Forming a government The political party that wins the most seats in a general election forms the new government, led by their party leader who becomes Prime Minister. The Prime Minister appoints ministers, including the Cabinet, who often work in a government department, and run and develop public services and policies.
The Prime Minister The Prime Minister is the head of the government and presides over meetings of the Cabinet He consults and advises the Monarch on government business, supervises and co- ordinates the work of various ministries and departments
The Cabinet The Cabinet consists of a small group of the most important ministers selected by the Prime Minister Today the number is 23 The Cabinet determines, controls and integrates the policies of the government for submission to Parliament
The Cabinet meetings The Cabinet meets in private and its deliberations are secret No vote is taken – all decisions must be unanimous, so collective responsibility is taken for all the decisions made
Functions of the Cabinet To initiate and debate on policy, control the government and co-ordinate government departments
Ministries The central government ministries and departments give effect to government policies Their powers and duties derive from the legislation Each is headed by a Minister who is a member of the House of Lords or the House of Commons
Ministers There are over 100 ministers of the Crown: departmental ministers non-departmental ministers ministers of state junior ministers
The Lord Chancellor A member of the Cabinet Appoints inferior judges Initiates law reforms
Scrutiny of the government Parliament checks the work of the government on behalf of UK citizens through investigative select committees and by asking government ministers questions. The House of Commons also has to approve proposals for government taxes and spending.
Translate the following: Parliament’s task is to ensure that government is run effectively and efficiently, prevent corruption and hold ministers to account for their actions. It does this by scrutinising the work of government departments, individual ministers and government agencies.
Suggested translation Zadatak parlamenta je da omogući učinkovito i uspješno funkcioniranje vlade, da spriječi korupciju i da mu ministri polažu račune za svoje poteze. Parlament to radi tako što ispituje rad vladinih odbora, ministara i vladinih agencija.
Revision Who is a civil servant? What is civil service concerned with? Are civil servants permanent? Who do they answer to?
Complete the following: The Civil Service incorporates three types of organisations – ________, _______, and ______________ government bodies Civil servants are servants of the Crown, and in this context the Crown means __________________.
The Civil Service incorporates three types of organisations – departments, agencies, and non-departmental government bodies Civil servants are servants of the Crown, and in this context the Crown means the Government of the day.
Complete the following: Civil Service is concerned with the conduct of government __________ as they affect the ________________
Civil Service is concerned with the conduct of government activities as they affect the community
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