1 Presentation to North Bay Chapter on Government Relations September 18, 2007
2 Agenda 1.HRPAO Government Relations Strategy 2.GR Activities 3.Upcoming GR Activities Provincial Election 5.Questions
3 HRPAO Government Relations Strategy Key Objectives: “ Trusted Advisor” to the Government “Lobby” on behalf of the Profession
4 HRPAO Government Relations Strategy Methods: Relationship Building with Key Individuals – Political (Government and Opposition) and Civil Service Formal Meetings – Minister, DM, ADM, Directors, Staff Informal Meetings Making Submissions on Key Issues Sitting on Government Committee “High” and “Low” Profile Communications Activities Building Partnerships with other Associations
5 HRPAO Government Relations Strategy Key Players: Chapter Government Relations Liaisons Subject Matter Experts Government Relations Committee Director of Government Relations
6 Government Relations Activities
7 Bill 14 – Access to Justice Act Background: Bill introduced in October, 2005 to regulate paralegals LSUC responsible for regulation Needed to capture “activity” not “title” Caught if “providing legal services” Definition “ a person provides legal services if person engages in conduct that involves the application of legal principal and legal judgment …”
8 Bill 14 – Access to Justice Act Examples of “providing legal services”: Gives a person advice with respect to the legal interests, rights or responsibilities of the person of another person. Selects, drafts, completes or revises, on behalf of a person, a document that affects a person’s interests in or rights to or in real or personal property Represents a person in a proceeding before an adjudicative body Negotiates the legal interests, rights or responsibilities of a person.
9 Bill 14 – Access to Justice Act Meaning for HR Professionals: Many HR Professions would be caught by definition If caught would need to be licensing and carry E & 0 Insurance Individual exemption possible HRPAO GR Activities on Bill: Submission to Justice Policy Committee in September, 2006 Formal and Informal lobbying activities Worked with other Associations
10 Bill 14 – Access to Justice Act Result of GR efforts: Amendments to Bill introduced and passed to exclude profession already governed by Acts of Legislature: “A person who is acting in the normal course of carrying on a profession or occupation governed by another Act of the Legislature, or an Act of Parliament, that regulates specifically the activities of persons engaged in that profession or occupation”
11 Bill 14 – Access to Justice Act To meet test in Act: In good standing with HRPAO Adherence with Code of Ethics Acting in normal course of HR profession Status: Bill passed with amendment on October 19, 2006 Act came into effect May 1, 2007 HRPAO has begun education campaign
13 Bill 107 – Human Rights System Amendments Background Human rights systems was hopelessly backlogged Many Governments had try to address problems with additional resources but not successful Bill 107 introduced a “Direct Access” model similar to BC Complaints could file directly with Tribunal Created legal support centers for complaints Commission to be focused on education and systemic discrimination Problem – Bill lacked important details
14 Bill 107 – Human Rights System Amendments HRPAO GR Activities on Bill: Put in a submission on Bill to Justice Policy Committee Meeting with A-G and Human Rights Commission Results: Bill amended to reflect some changes Additional issues being addressed during implementation HRPAO with monitor implementation
15 OMA/MOH consultation on 3rd Party Use of Physician Notes GR Action: Conducted a membership survey. Received over 100 survey responses from all sectors of membership. Participated in OMA/MOH roundtable consultations on issue and presented survey results.
16 End of Mandatory Retirement GR Action: Worked with Government during development and implementation of policy and Act Invited to participate in “launch event” Involved in monitoring implementation
17 Government Consultations/Committees MOF Pre-Budget Consultations Invited and participated in Ontario’s pre-budget round table discussions. Joint Forum Industry Panel on DC Plans Invited to sit on Panel on revising Capital Accumulations Plans rules. Employment Accessibility Standards Development Committee Invited to sit on Committee which is developing employment standards under Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.
18 Federal Government Relations C- 257 Banning Replacement Workers Submitted position on Bill which attempted to ban replacement workers in federally regulated workplaces. Submission to Expert Panel Older Workers Submitted position to Federal Government Experts Panel on Older workers on issue.
19 Relationship Building Annual Conference GR Reception – January 2007 Annual Dinner with MOL – June 2007 Lunch with DM and ADM – August 2007 Meeting with MOL ADM and Directors – August 2007 Meeting with Government and Opposition parties – Summer 2007
20 Upcoming Government Relations Activities
21 Election Aftermath GR Action Review Election platforms and review HR issues Survey political landscape after election (majority/minority) Build relationships with returning/ new Government Identify priorities and engaged Government early in mandate
22 Employment/ Labour Law Reforms ESA: Weekly and daily rest, Public holiday pay, Emergency and family leave (abuse and lowering the 50 person threshold) Health and Safety: Address issues in construction sector since accident rates have not gone down Compulsory health and safety training by employers. General: Trying to standardize the definitions of who is an employee or worker under WSIA, ESA etc.
23 Upcoming Consultations Employment Accessibility Standards Development Committee Continues next 15 months Consultation on Mandatory Skilled Trades Certification Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities has appointed Tim Armstrong to review compulsory certification in the skilled trades. Intent is to review the scope and impact of compulsory certification for skilled workforce where at present 21, of more than 140 skilled trades, in Ontario require compulsory certification.
24 Mixed Member Proportion System (MMP) Basic Facts: 90 members elected in ridings – the same way as now 39 members – elected province wide through party side of ballot
25 Mixed Member Proportion System (MMP) Step 1: You vote for local candidate and party on ballot Ballot has two votes - party and local candidate Step 2: Votes are counted. Party vote determines total share of seats a party wins in Legislature Step 3 : Proposition members If party does not have enough local members elected to match it share of party vote, it gets a “top up” of seats in the Legislature. These seats are filed by “list members” elected by votes across the province through the party vote side of ballot. The list are used to compensate for lack of proportionality in election of local members. A party must have clear support – at least 3 % of total vote to get a “list seat”