Systems of Government Government is a system of rule. The exercise of authority over a state. –Control –Rule –Management
Absolute Monarchies Government with a hereditary ruler. Sole ruler is accountable ONLY to God. Absolutism Bossuet – said God put Monarchs here, disobedience to a monarch is being disobedient to God.
Examples of Absolute Monarchies Russia when they were led by a Czar (Nicholas). France – by Louis the XIV
Constitutional Monarchies System of government in which a monarch has agreed to share power with a constitutionally organized government. The monarch may retain head of state, or be purely a ceremonial head.
Usually limits monarch’s power. Monarch is usually a King or Queen. Constitution splits the government’s power to the legislature and the judiciary.
Examples England – 1700s – under the Stuarts ( James I, etc.) Australia, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden, Spain and Thailand.
Parliamentary Democracy Similar to our three branch system of government. –Executive Branch –Legislative Branch –Judicial Branch Two party system used in England
Roots are from British Parliament. Winston Churchill – “ Government is a servant to the people and not its master. Parliament elects the Head of State.Three branches have the most power.
Examples England Canada
Presidential Democracy System of government in which supreme authority rests with the people. Usually have the three branches of government. Some call it a representative Democracy.
Good example is U.S. Democracy defined : –Demos – people –Kratos – Might The people can control elected officials and keep voting in the “good” ones and getting rid of the “bad” ones.
Dictatorship Usually ruled by one, usually by strict force and fear. Those who rule cannot be held responsible to the will of the people. Not accountable for policies.
Might be the oldest form of government. Most common form of government seen, especially when there is a military revolt. Dictators are authoritarian. Absolute and unchallengeable authority.
Examples Russia – Lenin and Stalin Germany – Hitler Italy – Mussolini Iraq – Hussein
Theocracies Government by those regarded as divinely guided. Governments leaders may be clergy, or the state’s may be based on religious law. Theocratic rule was a basis for early civilizations.
The Enlightenment marked the end for Theocracies in most western countries.
Examples Saudi Arabia & Iran (present) Afghanistan – before War on Terror. Church of England – Henry VIII