Government Structures American Government
Purposes of Government: Why Have One? Maintain national defenseMaintain national defense Provide public goodsProvide public goods Provide orderProvide order Provide Public ServicesProvide Public Services Socialize citizens into political cultureSocialize citizens into political culture Collect taxes to pay for servicesCollect taxes to pay for services
Theories of Government Divine right- power to rule comes from God and can not be taken awayDivine right- power to rule comes from God and can not be taken away Social Contract- People give power to one leader in exchange for protection- you have to give up some rightsSocial Contract- People give power to one leader in exchange for protection- you have to give up some rights –Hobbes (any government OK) –Locke (consent of the people)
POWER in Government Anarchy- No government, chaosAnarchy- No government, chaos Totalitarianism- Government controls everything – total control – job, education, etcTotalitarianism- Government controls everything – total control – job, education, etc Limited Government - Government allows individual freedom/choiceLimited Government - Government allows individual freedom/choice
Autocracy An autocracy is a government wherein a SINGLE INDIVIDUAL is in powerAn autocracy is a government wherein a SINGLE INDIVIDUAL is in power There are two types of autocratic leaders:There are two types of autocratic leaders:DictatorsMonarchs
Dictatorship Dictators gain their power through fear and/or force.Dictators gain their power through fear and/or force. Many have TOTALITARIAN governments.Many have TOTALITARIAN governments. –control every facet of social and economic life –resort to the use of military power to maintain authority Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler is an example…North Korea’s autocracy was run by Kim Jong Il and now his son, Kim Jong-unNazi Germany under Adolf Hitler is an example…North Korea’s autocracy was run by Kim Jong Il and now his son, Kim Jong-un
Monarchy Monarchy is another form of government that is USUALLY autocratic.Monarchy is another form of government that is USUALLY autocratic. Absolute monarchs have complete power to rule however they choose.Absolute monarchs have complete power to rule however they choose. –Saudi Arabia maintains an absolute monarchy. Constitutional monarchies are governments where power is shared between the crown and elected officials.Constitutional monarchies are governments where power is shared between the crown and elected officials. –Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy.
Oligarchy An oligarchy is a system wherein power is maintained by a small group of people.An oligarchy is a system wherein power is maintained by a small group of people. Power can come fromPower can come from –membership within the dominate political party (China) –Or by some combination of wealth, military and social connections (Russia) Oligarchies often hold elections, but only permit candidates who have been approved by the establishment.Oligarchies often hold elections, but only permit candidates who have been approved by the establishment. Vladimir Putin
Democracy Democracy is government by the people… and power is held by many, rather than a few.Democracy is government by the people… and power is held by many, rather than a few. Our early government allowed for the participation of only a small number of citizens.Our early government allowed for the participation of only a small number of citizens.
Direct Democracy A Direct Democracy is a system in which every citizen can participate in every aspect of government.A Direct Democracy is a system in which every citizen can participate in every aspect of government. Our U.S. system has some components of direct democracy at the local/state level—Our U.S. system has some components of direct democracy at the local/state level— –Initiatives—occur when citizens propose an amendment or law. If the proposal garners the required number of signatures, it can become law. –Referenda—occur when voters (rather than legislatures) vote on a particular law. –Recall—occurs when voters remove elected officials from office. The “Terminator” became California’s Governor after a recall of the previous governor.
Representative Democracy Despite having components of direct democracy, the US is primarily a representative democracy.Despite having components of direct democracy, the US is primarily a representative democracy. In a representative democracy, voters elect representatives and give them the power to make laws and conduct government.In a representative democracy, voters elect representatives and give them the power to make laws and conduct government. The vast majority of our laws are passed by representatives.The vast majority of our laws are passed by representatives.
Theocracy In a theocracy, the government is run by a religious institution.In a theocracy, the government is run by a religious institution. The fundamental laws are based on scripture.The fundamental laws are based on scripture. –Vatican City is ruled by the Pope, and law is rooted in canon (Church) law. –Although Iran has an elected president (former Pres Mahmoud Ahmadinejad), he must answer to Ali Khamenei, an Islamic cleric and the Supreme Leader of the country. Iranian law is based on Sharia Law—which Muslims believe is God’s law.Iranian law is based on Sharia Law—which Muslims believe is God’s law.
Governing Systems Unitary- national government rulesUnitary- national government rules China, United KingdomChina, United Kingdom Confederation- State government rulesConfederation- State government rules The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) - formerly known as the Soviet Union; U.S. under the ArticlesThe Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) - formerly known as the Soviet Union; U.S. under the Articles Federal State- State and national governments share power to ruleFederal State- State and national governments share power to rule United States, Germany, AustraliaUnited States, Germany, Australia
US Government RepresentativeRepresentative Democracy DemocraticDemocratic Republic LimitedLimited Government FederalFederal System
Principles of Democracy Individual WorthIndividual Worth Civil Liberties and RightsCivil Liberties and Rights Representative GovernmentRepresentative Government Majority Rule with Minority Rights Rule by Law Limited Power