“CLEAN/Good Government” Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin GO 222 Heather Miki and Lauren Lange
Moralistic Political Culture Emphasis on commonwealth Participation in politics viewed as civic duty Corruption not tolerated Issue-oriented politics Trust in the political system http://11d.typepad.com/blog/2008/02/state-political.html
Historical Background Puritans settle in New England Culture travels across the upper Great Lakes into the Midwest to the Northwest Influx of Scandinavian and northern European groups reinforces values
Demographics +0.9% +0.7% +0.6% +0.5% -0.5% Rank: 29 Rank: 38 Rank: 51 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, “America’s Fastest Growing States,” 2007-2008
Demographics IA MI MN WI Population Approx. Area Density 3 million #30 (sq miles) Density (people/ sq mile) IA 3 million #30 56,000 #26 53 MI 10 million #8 98,000 #11 179 MN 5.3 million #21 87,000 #12 65 WI 5.7 million #20 65,500 #23 99
Demographics Rural vs. Urban Percentage of the Population Source: U.S. Census Bureau, http://www.allcountries.org/,1990
Racial Diversity 6% 16% 13% 65% Source: U.S. Census Bureau, http://quickfacts.census.gov, 2009
Religious Diversity Iowa & Minnesota’s denominational breakdowns Source: http://www.religionatlas.org, 2001
Measure of State High Tech Economy Economic Profile Per Capita Income Measure of State High Tech Economy % in Manufacturing USA $38,600 60.3 10 IA $35,000 #27 52.2 #38 15.1 #4 MI $35,000 #26 60 #23 14.5 #7 MN $41,000 #11 68.7 #13 12.3 #14 WI $36,000 #25 52 #40 17.4 #2 Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, “Personal Income Per Capita,” 2007 State New Economy Index, 2002 U.S. Census Bureau, “Percent in Manufacturing,” 2007
Economic Conditions Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, as reported in the 2007 Iowa Fact Book
Political Analysis Cultural Homogeneity Dominant Working Class Greater investment in programs that cater to the majority Marginalization of minorities Dominant Working Class Solid health care programs Moralistic Political Culture Decisive factor that affects many policy outcomes Nice Ride Program, Broadband, MLK park in Minnesota
Policy Outcome: Uninsured Population % of Women and Children Without Insurance #1 Source: U.S Census Bureau, “Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement,” Prepared for the March of Dimes, 2006
Policy Outcome: Health Coverage % infant mortality % white mothers receiving prenatal coverage % black mothers receiving prenatal coverage IA 5.6 87.7 75 MI 8 87 71.5 MN 5.3 86 64.5 WI 7.1 66.2 Source : 4 Policy Outcome Spreadsheet
Policy Outcome: Education & Crime Control High School Graduation Rate CRIME CONTROL # of Prisoners (per 100,000 people) IA 80.1 % #13 252 #11 MI 76.8 % #25 472 #38 MN 82.4 % #6 125 #1 WI 78.6 % #21 375 #25 Sources : National Education Association, “Rankings & Estimates,” 2009 The Disaster Center, “Uniform Crime Report,”
Policy Outcome: Welfare Spending Average Monthly Stipend for a Family of 3 IA $426 #21 MI $459 #17 MN $536 #12 WI $673 #3 Per Capita Income Measure of State High Tech Economy $35,000 #27 52.2 #38 $35,000 #26 60 #23 $41,000 #11 68.7 #13 $36,000 #25 52 #40 Source : 4 Policy Outcome Spreadsheet
“CLEAN/Good Government” Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin GO 222 Heather Miki and Lauren Lange