Government Travel Charge Card Program COMDTINST M4600.18 January 2012
Disclaimer This training presentation does not satisfy or meet the requirement to complete the DHS GTCC training through LMS. The purpose of this presentation is to provide a consistent aid to Travel Managers and Commands for unit training. As an example, this tool may be used for AD or RES All Hands training, pre-deployment, or after misuse/delinquency is identified. The information presented here is not all inclusive and where conflicts exist between policy documents and this training, the policy documents shall govern.
COMDTINST 4600.14C GTCC Policies Establishes a general order that: All CG members, active and reserve and civilians (including NAF personnel) who hold a GTCC to use the card only when in an official travel status and only for authorized reimbursable travel expenses IAW JFTR/FTR. Undisputed GTCC bills shall be paid in full on or before the due date regardless of reimbursement. Violation of this policy is punishable under Article 92 of UCMJ.
Definitions Official Travel – Is travel covered by a Travel Order. A Travel Order as defined by the JFTR, Appendix A is: A written instrument issued/approved by a delegating authority Provides traveler what expenses will be paid Provide contracting travel office (SATO) documentation for travel Supplied financial information necessary for budget and purpose of travel Statement Closing Date – Typically the 12th or 13th day of the month. Statement Due Date – Typically 25 days after closing date. Account Past Due – Account is past due when undisputed GTCC balance remains unpaid 1 day past statement due date.
Definitions Account Delinquency - The account is considered delinquent when the undisputed balance remains unpaid 1 day past statement due date. Disputed charges will be removed from the past due amount by the bank and will not be considered delinquent. Account Suspension – Accounts will suspend when undisputed GTCC balances remain unpaid following the first cycle date after the account reaches 31 days past the due date. Use of GTCC will not be permitted by the GTCC bank. Closed Account – An account will be closed when an undisputed GTCC balance remains unpaid following the first cycle date after the account reaches 96 days past the due date. At this point, Salary Offset will be initiated by the bank. GTCC bank will notify collection agencies and national credit bureaus when the account remains unpaid after 121 days.
Definitions GTCC Misuse- Use of GTCC for other than a reimbursable travel expense associated with official government business while on approved official travel and depending on the situation, may constitute fraud, or Failure to pay outstanding undisputed GTCC balances by the statement due date regardless of reimbursement.
Commanding Officers and Supervisors Responsibilities Commanding Officers and Supervisors Monitor GTCC usage and delinquencies. Designate Travel Managers. Ensure appropriate level of action is taken for cardholders identified as not fully complying with GTCC policies. Ensure GTCC training is included in the semi-annual training plan. Review GTCC reinstatement requests.
Responsibilities Travel Managers: Oversee and manage the GTCC accounts within a specific hierarchy. Hierarchies are determined by member’s ATU. Update cardholder profiles. Raise and lower credit limits based on cardholder travel needs. Produce and monitor monthly reports. Access to TPAX to view travel for internal controls. Monitor card use and delinquencies. Assist with application processing. Identify and report misuse. Assist with GTCC investigations. Travel managers can be identified by accessing the roster on the GTCC website:
GTCC Eligibility Who Gets GTCC Who Does Not Get GTCC Personnel who travel two or more times annually Active duty Civilian employees NAF employees ALL SELRES-for mobilization readiness Recruits-CONUS PCS Auxiliary Contractors Foreign Exchange Members
Responsibilities MEMBER 1. Use the GTCC only while on TDY and/or military PCS orders. 2. Maintain current account address, email and contact information with the bank. 3. Use the GTCC for all expenses that are directly related to official government travel and reimbursable IAW JFTR/FTR. Do not use personal credit cards for official travel expenses. 4. Pay the monthly GTCC statement in full on or before the bill due date. Payment in full is required regardless of claim reimbursement.
Responsibilities MEMBER 5. Withdraw cash only to cover expenses that are directly related to official travel which cannot otherwise be paid for using the GTCC directly and is reimbursable IAW JFTR/FTR. 6. Immediately notify the GTCC bank and your Travel Manager of any unauthorized use or questionable charges appearing on the monthly statement. Dispute procedures are located on the GTCC website. 7. Complete the required DHS Travel Card Training on Learning Management System every 2 years.
Cash Withdrawals The authorized standard cash withdrawal limit shall equal 30% of the available credit. There are no exceptions to the 30% limit. Cash withdrawals are intended to cover authorized, reimbursable incidental expenses when card use is impractical and should only be used for expenses not specifically required to be charged to the card. Cash withdrawals shall not exceed the authorized travel reimbursement.
GTCC Usage Exemptions GTCC use is not mandatory if the travel duration will exceed 21 days. However, if cardholder chooses to use the GTCC, they must submit interim travel claims. The first interim travel claim must be submitted no later than 21 days after commencement of travel and every 21 days thereafter. GTCC shall not be used when PCS travel exceeds 15 days, which includes leave, proceed time, compensatory absence, TDY with PCS.
GTCC Usage Exemptions Use of the GTCC is mandatory for all reimbursable travel expenses UNLESS the card is not accepted by the vendor or use is impractical, such as group meal charges. Only in these cases are ATM cash advances authorized to be used.
Prohibited GTCC Use Use of the GTCC for anything other than travel related expenses, for the cardholder’s own travel (not dependents or other travelers) that are reimbursable as part of their own travel order and travel claim. Examples: 1. Use by members while on local travel orders. CG defines local travel as authorized travel within 50 miles of Permanent Duty Station (PDS). This includes parking and tolls. 2. Payment of lodging expenses in the vicinity of PDS, except when lodging is in conjunction with TLE/TLA. 3. Use at eating establishments in vicinity of PDS except when in conjunction with TLE. 4. Any other use within vicinity of PDS not directly related to official travel.
Prohibited GTCC Use 5. While on official travel, any expense that is not an official reimbursable travel expense IAW JFTR/FTR. 6. Official travel that includes leisure travel. That includes transportation between PDS and TDY locations with leisure travel. 7. Cash withdrawal in excess of the amount authorized for an advance for the official travel order, or when not in receipt of official travel orders. 8. Reservations or expenses for individuals other than the cardholder. This included securing travel or lodging for others or dependent expenses.
Prohibited GTCC Use 9. Movement for team gear that might be considered excess baggage. Team gear is not considered personal to the traveler. 10. Expenses associated with Dislocation Allowance (DLA) or transportation of household goods, including personally procured moves (PPM or DITY). 11. Business charges that are not travel related such as postage, copy services, car repair, towing, tuition and membership fees.
Disciplinary Actions Delinquencies Days Account Past Due Military Personnel Civilian Employees NAF Step 1- 1 Day Informal Counseling Oral Counseling Step 2- 2-31 Days Documented Counseling Written Admonishment Step 3- 32-61 Days Page 7 Entry Letter of Reprimand Step 4- 62-91 Days See Note Suspension
Number/Total Value of Charges Disciplinary Actions Misuse Number/Total Value of Charges Military Personnel Civilian Employees NAF Not more than 3 charges or $100 Documented Counseling Written Admonishment Documented Discussion Not more than 5 charges or $200 (see policy) Page 7 Entry Letter of Reprimand More than 5 charges or $300 See Note Suspension
Disciplinary Actions Note: Inquire into UCMJ accountability (PIO, LIR, AIM, etc.) after contacting servicing legal office to discuss most appropriate action. See COMDINST 4600.18 for more detailed information regarding disciplinary action. GTCC delinquency or misuse can have a serious impact on your CG career.
GTCC Account Information JPMorgan Chase bank site: Organization ID: DHS0001 User ID: EMPLID Direct Access Cardholder hierarchy can be found under My Credit Card Balance Cardholder credit limit can be found under My Credit Card Data
Related Websites GTCC PPC DA DA
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