Participants Fiscal relations between levels of government are a high priority on the political agenda of most OECD and non OECD countries. Sub-central.


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Presentation transcript:

Participants Fiscal relations between levels of government are a high priority on the political agenda of most OECD and non OECD countries. Sub-central governments represent on average, 22% of public revenues, 31% of public spending and 66% of public investment in OECD countries, and their spending amounts to 15% of GDP. The Fiscal Network: Provides member countries with the analytical and statistical underpinnings of intergovernmental fiscal relations and sub-national public finance; Is a high level, multidisciplinary policy dialogue platform, between policy makers from different ministries (Finance, Interior, Budget, etc.); Contributes to overcoming the often compartmentalised and sometimes even contradictory policy perspectives in national capitals. Network on Fiscal Relations across Levels of Government Purpose Source : OECD Network on Fiscal Relations across Levels of Government Fiscal Network 16 contributing countries 30 countries provide statistical and policy information Other International Organisations participate actively (IMF, EU, Council of Europe, etc.) Accession and Partner countries are strongly invited to join 3 OECD Directorates (Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, Economics Department and Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate) Visit our website for more information:

Property taxation; Debt management at the sub-national level Current Activities Consolidation at the sub-national level Decentralisation and regional disparities Future Challenges Taxonomy of grants Paris, March 2011 Sub-Central Tax Competition Berne, 31 May-1 June 2010 Economic Crisis and Sub-Central Fiscal Policy Paris, 12 June 2009 Taxes versus Grants Vienna, May Fiscal Equalisation in OECD Countries Zaragoza, June 2006 The Efficiency of Sub-Central Spending Paris, 19-May-2006 OECD Fiscal Decentralisation Database. Balances, consolidated expenditure, consolidated revenue, tax revenue, user fees, transfers. Taxing power of sub-central governments in OECD countries Revenue structure of sub central government: autonomous tax revenue, shared taxes, earmarked and non-earmarked grants. Borrowing and fees Intergovernmental grants. grants by donor and recipient sub-sector; grant revenue by type of grant and grants by government function ondatabase.htm Statistical DatabasesExperts Meetings WP 13, Apr-11: Tax competition between sub-central governments WP 12, Jan-10: Fiscal Policy across Levels of Government in Times of Crisis WP 11, Jan-10: Explaining the Tax-Grants Balance WP 10, Jun-09: Finding the Dividing Line between Tax Sharing and Grants: A Statistical I nvestigation WP 9, Jun-09:The Fiscal Autonomy of Sub-Central Governments: An Update WP 8, May-09:The Spending Power of Sub-Central Governments: A Pilot Study WP 7, May-09:Taxes and Grants: On the Revenue Mix of Sub-Central Governments WP 6, May-08:Market Mechanisms in Sub-Central Public Service Provision WP 5, Jun-08: Promoting Performance: Using Indicators to Enhance the Effectiveness of Sub-Central Spending WP 4, Sep-07: Fiscal Equalization in OECD Countries WP 3, Sep-06:Intergovernmental Transfers and Decentralized Public Spending WP 2, Sep-06:Fiscal Autonomy of Sub-Central Governments WP 1, Sep-06:Fiscal Rules for Sub-Central Governments: Design and Impact Working Papers Visit our website for more information: