E-government and Libraries Dan Stanton Government Information Librarian Arizona State University Libraries
What is E-government? User behavior Issues for Libraries E-government resources o Federal o State o Local Librarian resources What we’ll cover
ALA Committee on Legislation E- government Services Subcommittee o E-Government is defined as the use of technology, particularly the Internet, as a means to deliver government services and to facilitate the interaction of the public with government entities. What is E-government?
User behavior
Pew Internet and American Life Project o Government Online Government Online Online gov usage higher by income and ed No difference between whites, blacks, hispanics Blacks & hispanics - view gov social media + Search engines main guide 50% successful outcome User behavior
Privacy Security Liability Levels of service Issues for Libraries
USA.gov Kids.gov Science.gov NSOPW FDsys E-government resources MetaLib Census.gov AZ.gov Maricopa.gov Fountain Hills
Federal Depository Libraries Arizona State Library Arizona Library resources Dan Stanton Government Information Librarian Arizona State University
ALA E-government Toolkit CRL Webinar - Access to Government Information - Access to Government Information: How libraries can continue to ensure sustained access to this information for researchers _sklar.pdf 17_sklar.pdf Government Online - Trends in Online Government - Government-Institute.aspxhttp:// Government-Institute.aspx Resources used/Questions?