konflik, konflik, konflik!
istilah konflik konflik etnis: dispute about political, economic, social, cultural, or territorial issues between 2 or more ethnic communities konflik internal: violent political disputes whose origins can be traced primarily to intrastate rather than interstate factors… includes power struggles involving civilian or military leaders, challenges by criminal organisations to state sovereignty, ideological struggles, as well ethnic conflicts and secessionist campaigns perang sipil: fought between self aware, defined groups that have organisational capacities to plan and carry out military operations in support of political goals konflik regional: spill over
istilah kelompok etnis: a named human population with a myth of common ancestry, shared memories, and cultural elements; a link with a historic territory or homeland; and a measure of solidarity; must (1) have a name, (2) believe in common ancestry, (3) believe that they have shared historical experiences – myth, legends, (4) shared culture – combination of language, religion, laws, customs, institutions, dress, music, crafts, architecture, food, etc, (5) feel an attachment to a specific piece of territory, (6) think of themselves as a group, have a sense of common identity
istilah kelompok minoritas: culturally distinct groups in plural societies who seek equal rights, opportunities, and access to power within existing political communities; want access, a goal usually pursued by conventional political action and protest campaigns kelompok nasionalis: regionally concentrated cultural groups, usually with a history of separate political existence from the states that govern them; usually seek exit, a goal that often leads to separatist wars and state repression
perspektif mengenai konflik etnis primordialis instrumentalis konstruktivis institusionalis
konflik etnis & demokratisasi (snyder) pre-existing rivalries political entrepreneurs
konflik etnis (brown) faktor struktural: –weak states –intrastate security concerns –ethnic geography faktor politik: –discriminatory political institutions –exclusionary national ideologies –intergroup politics –elite politics faktor ekonomi/sosial: –economic problems –discriminatory economic systems –economic development and modernisation faktor kultural/persepsi: –patterns of cultural discrimination –problematic group histories
why minorities rebel (gurr) salience of ethnocultural identity –how much difference it makes in people’s lives –dissimilarities among groups –group psychology of comparative advantage/disadvantage –open conflict incentives for action –collective disadvantages –loss of political autonomy –repression –frames for ethnopolitical action dynamics of protracted conflict capacity for action –territorial concentration –preexisting organisation –formation of coalition –authenticity of leadership