Open Data as a part of Open Government Stefan Gehrke
Explorers of a new kind Open Data: Economic potential or the end of the world…?
A global movement starts “Openness will strengthen our democracy and promote efficiency and effectiveness.“
German citizens want more transparency “Open Data will increase trust in politics and public administration” 88 % are in favor of publishing non-personal government data 81 % believe, that citizens can participate better with Open Data 16 % See dangers for privacy
Many players, relatively uncoordinated Open Data has a high-level political visibility
Where does my money go? Open Data can show correlations
Participation leads to more acceptance Understanding citizens needs
Farmsubsidy Different insight in political relations
Stored in data silos? Open Data can be a treasure
Principles help to define Powered by Sunlight 1. Complete 2. Primary 3. Timeliness 4. Accessible 5. Machine processable 6. Non-discriminatory 7. Non-proprietary 8. License-free 9. Permanence 10. Usage costs
Benefits of Open Data Efficiency and Effectivity More transparency More participation and self-empowerment Improvement of com- mercial products and services New commercial products and services Stimulator of innovations Improvement of services for citizens New governmental services for citizens Efficiency improvement in government agencies Effectivity improvement in government agencies More knowledge / new insights
Giant projects = perfect processes? Better start with the long hanging fruits
Where is the haystack? Government has to be the platform
Apps for Germany 320 data sets, 112 ideas and 77 applications
Open by default! Citizens are part of the audit court
Promoting Democracy! Open Data is the currency
Stefan Gehrke Open Data Network Germany & buero fuer neues denken