Division of State Lands’ Wetlands Program. Issues That Spawned State Wetlands Program (SB 3) Lack of detailed wetlands inventory information or guidance.


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Presentation transcript:

Division of State Lands’ Wetlands Program

Issues That Spawned State Wetlands Program (SB 3) Lack of detailed wetlands inventory information or guidance Lack of wetlands expertise within local governments and state planning agency Conflicts between zoning designations and wetlands regulations Lack of land use certainty for landowners & developers

DSL Wetlands Program Elements Develop statewide wetlands inventory Develop technical guidance & standards Improve linkage between land use planning and state/federal regulations Provide assistance to local governments

DSL Wetlands Program Elements, cont. Improve regulatory program Provide education & training Advance scientific basis of state programs Maintain state’s wetlands resource base

Statewide Wetlands Inventory Mandate SB 3 (1989) DSL shall compile and maintain a comprehensive statewide wetlands inventory, based upon NWI Develop, by rule, a system for uniform wetland identification, delineation & mapping Provide inventory to city & county planning offices, state agencies & public Revise inventory as new or more complete information becomes available Develop public information about the inventory

Statewide Wetlands Inventory (SWI) Wetland identification & mapping standards set by DSL DSL maintains & distributes SWI National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) forms base –Developed by U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service –Available statewide Local Wetlands Inventories (LWI) supplement –LWI developed by local government or DSL –DSL sets standards & approves LWIs

National Wetlands Inventory Shows wetlands and deepwater habitats (streams, lakes, estuaries, ponds) Covers entire state on 1,869 USGS base maps Small scale (1 inch = 2,000 ft.) Based on high-altitude air photo interpretation Shows approx. location of wetlands > 2 acres Does not include agricultural wetlands Distributed by DSL; some digitized

Local Wetlands Inventories Show most wetlands in limited area (UGB) Include wetlands 0.5 acre and larger Extensive field verification Property boundaries included on maps Wetland descriptions included Meet state standards Available at local planning office or DSL

Technical Guidance & Standards Wetland identification –Definition & criteria (same as federal) Wetlands inventories –SWI & LWI rules; quality control Wetland function & condition assessment –Oregon Freshwater Wetland Assessment Method “Significant wetland” criteria –Rules for local governments to follow

LWI Steps Obtain funding & develop work plan with DSL Contract with wetlands consultant Hold public meeting to review objectives & process Consultant conducts field work Draft maps and data to DSL for review Public meeting to review draft maps Prepare final maps and supporting data DSL reviews & approves; local government adopts Local government notifies landowners of results

LWI Uses & Benefits Basis for Goal 5 & 17 wetlands planning Accurate wetlands maps available at local planning department Detailed wetlands maps for regulatory purposes Inventory process provides educational opportunity in community Alerts landowners to wetlands on property State standards provide for consistent inventory quality statewide

Improve Linkage between Local Planning and State Regulations LWI standards & significant wetland rules –fewer “surprise” wetlands; more wetlands included in comprehensive plans Wetland Land Use Notification –links local applications to state regulations Technical & planning assistance for local governments Wetland Conservation Plan (WCP) option –state permits issued according to WCP

Local Government Assistance Conduct site reviews upon request –public facilities, areas to be annexed, etc. Assist planner and consultant with all wetland inventory & planning steps Participate in public meetings associated with wetlands inventory & planning Grant program for wetland planning

Improve Regulatory Program Work with Corps, EPA & NRCS on program improvements Direct grant funds to needed improvements Maintain scientific expertise of staff Integrate regulatory program with land use and watershed management plans Incorporate best available science Keep informed on other state programs & adapt appropriate elements to Oregon

Provide Information, Education & Training Public information materials on wetlands functions, wetland planning, & regulation –Wetlands Update; fact sheets; manuals Workshops for planners & public –Wetland identification; wetland assessment; wetland map use; regulations; topics tailored for realtors, public works & other groups Presentations to organizations

Maintain Wetland Resource Base DSL responsible for Wetlands Benchmark –maintain 1990 base of wetlands Additional authority from SB 3 (1989) Approaches include: –regulatory program (permit; mitigation) –non-regulatory wetland restoration –identify potential sites in LWIs/local plans –monitoring & research

Examples of DSL-Sponsored Research Historic vegetation of Willamette Valley Recent wetland loss trends in Willamette Valley Bird use of seasonal ponds on farmland Wetland-associated plant & animal species Geology & status of Agate Desert vernal pools Oregon Freshwater Wetland Assessment Method Oregon Hydrogeomorphic Assessment Guidebook Wetland restoration program recommendations Hydric soils research in Willamette Valley