© HarperCollins Publishers 2010 Significance How did Gandhi oppose the British Empire?
© HarperCollins Publishers 2010 Significance Objectives In this activity you will: Learn the methods used by Gandhi to oppose British rule. Discuss why these methods might be successful.
© HarperCollins Publishers 2010 Significance Key terms You could find definitions of these terms from either a dictionary, the internet, your teacher, your pupil book or from other books from your school or library. Keep notes on these definitions to use in the activity on slide 8. Before continuing, you need to understand the terms: - Passive resistance - Non-violent protests - Civil disobedience
© HarperCollins Publishers 2010 Significance How did Gandhi oppose the British Empire? During WWI ( ), the British Government had promised India Dominion Status. This meant that India would have more independence to run their own affairs. However, once WWI ended in 1918, the British did not grant India Dominion status. Many Indians joined protests against British rule. Once such protest took place at Amritsar. British troops opened fire on the protesters and 379 people were killed. Gandhi had supported the British Empire until the Amritsar massacre of From this point, he protested against British Imperial rule.
© HarperCollins Publishers 2010 Significance Mahatma Gandhi Gandhi returned to India from South Africa in He had been a lawyer for 22 years. He developed a strong belief in the idea of passive resistance. He had suffered torture and imprisonment within South Africa for protesting against laws, which discriminated against people who were not white. After the Amritsar Massacre, he told his followers in the Indian National Congress that: ‘Cooperation in any shape or form with this satanic Government is sinful.’
© HarperCollins Publishers 2010 Significance Mahatma Gandhi Listed on the following slide are the methods/events used by Gandhi to gain Indian Independence. Draw a spider diagram linking these methods together. Use thicker or thinner lines to show how important or effective you think the method might be.
© HarperCollins Publishers 2010 Significance Gandhi’s methods Democracy Demonstrations Non-violent protests Civil disobedience From 1921 onwards, Gandhi wore only the simple dhoti and refused to wear European clothes. In 1930, he began a 250 mile walk across India to gain publicity, known as the Salt March. He believed Hindus and Muslims should cooperate in gaining independence. Boycotts of British goods, schools and courts.
© HarperCollins Publishers 2010 Significance Mahatma Gandhi Now write a paragraph explaining why Gandhi’s methods were effective. See the example below: ‘Successful boycotts put more economic pressure on British businesses within India. This caused some businessmen to pressurise the British Government to negotiate with Gandhi and his supporters. The fact that Gandhi used peaceful methods made it more difficult for the British Government to stop the protestors. Excessive violence by British forces would lose the Government both international and domestic support. This was clearly seen in the Amritsar massacre of 1919.’