Shenagh Gleisner November 6 th 2014
Introduction What I will cover A picture of HASANZ five years out My visits and what I learnt From you all From WorkSafe leaders My role as Chair My initial thoughts on how to progress Your ideas on priorities
HASANZ vision – five years out When we do the business plan for HASANZ we will create a strong picture of a highly successful organisation five years out. This will guide us. It could include ideas such as: Businesses have confidence in getting excellent health and safety advice because of HASANZ Associations find it a great investment to be a member of HASANZ HASANZ has created increasing respect for workplace health and safety professions Government seeks out the advice of HASANZ because it is so comprehensive and authoritative As we develop a very strong picture of a successful HASANZ, we must be absolutely clear the unique contribution of HASANZ in the whole system remembering that our role is the umbrella organisation to represent workplace health and safety professions and that our focus is improving advice to business.
What could be undermine success ? What you said Personal politics, pushing organisational barrows HASANZ being far too much like OHSIG The words “health and safety” seen negatively by small businesses? Biting off more than we can chew, losing our focus and purpose Getting into the “weeds”, losing our strategic leadership role So what I must do Build a unified culture making the collective most important Reduce personality dominance and ensure everyone has a say Must focus on compelling communication Our work plan must have highly focussed priorities Always focus on driving towards the HASANZ’s purpose and leave the details to individual associations. I visited all HASANZ members during October, and this summarises some of the main themes I heard and indicated to me what I should try to do during my year as Establishment Chair
What is in it for your organisation? What you said Stronger voice to government because we are united Change public perception through our critical mass Promote a high quality and professional sector If the system is effective, my organisation gains.... Agree and promote minimum standards, professional ethics, registration. So what I must do Ensure our representation to government is highly professional Speak with an authoritative voice to business and thereby to the public Support professionalism and all the quality that this implies Do not let organisation-specific priorities shape the work Focus on getting to the point of delivering practical advice to businesses, reliably delivered by all health and safety practitioners. I visited all HASANZ members during October, and this summarises some of the main themes I heard and indicated to me what I should try to do during my year as Establishment Chair
Advice from WorkSafe leaders Always focus on business – they create the risk, they can solve it with good advice HASANZ must act like a board – they are a governance group Think “system” not organisation Engage with the biggest influencers, leaders, Chairs, CEs Simplify, make it straight forward, avoid bureaucratisation
The role of Establishment Chair Appointed for a year – nearly 4 days a month Steer, guide, shape, build HASANZ with you Facilitate positive engagement and governance capability within the HASANZ team Keep the focus on the purpose and the future, do not get sidetracked into details that is not the role of HASANZ Work at a high level with important stakeholders (along with you), gaining important feedback and building reputation Support HASANZ to deliver practical valued results over this first year especially as seen by business
How to approach the challenge Build the culture/capability to be a leadership group all the time Use working groups to get stuff done and build culture e.g. Work plan: Input to government: Membership of HASANZ: Building the register: Establishing HASANZ as a sustainable organisation/business plan; Setting up the register: and a Communications advisory group. Build reputation by producing very high quality advice to government Make a meeting plan for the first year Regular meetings: Report back from working groups, always a WorkSafe update and input into legislative work, team building Chair to engage with influencers – board chairs, CEs of relevant organisation, always taking a member of HASANZ with her Review our progress against our work plan after six months and adjust as needed See this as long term, evolving and ensuring sustainability.
A initial view on first year priorities I have asked everyone what should be our practical deliverables in the first year, remembering the importance of focus, not spreading ourselves too thin. This is some of what I heard get a register established excellent, and impactful, input to the legislation establish HASANZ as a respected organisation – all the basics in place produce insightful communications to business which build confidence promulgate a minimum standard seek input into the education/training development (although this may be done in the first place along with WorkSafe) These initial thoughts on priorities will be built into the work plan for the first year, and will be reviewed and added to as we get going. It is important we do a few things well, rather than try to do more than is feasible. And we must speak with one voice so attend to our Internal communications and consultation amongst the group.