Government of the Republic of Macedonia Secretariat for European Affairs Fifth Meeting, Subcommittee on Transport, Environment, Energy and Regional Development, , Skopje 4. Transport policy 4.1Road transport Road safety and social acquis, driving and rest times, working times (including digital tachograph) Ministry of Interior NATIONAL STRATEGY of the Republic of Macedonia FOR IMPROVEMENT OF THE ROAD TRAFFIC SAFETY Adopted by the Parliament in November 2008 Presenter: professor Mile Dimitrovski, Ph.D. President of the Scientific Committee NCRTS
Government of the Republic of Macedonia Secretariat for European Affairs Fifth Meeting, Subcommittee on Transport, Environment, Energy and Regional Development, , Skopje In the Republic of Macedonia in 2007, there were 51.5 road accidents every day, including 11.4 accidents with injured persons. In average, the number of killed is 0.39 people per day, the number of seriously injured 3.10 people per day, the number of light injuries is 8.30 people per day. Because of those reasons the National Council drafted the National Strategy , fully adjusted to fulfill all contemporary needs and requests in this area, EU recommendations and other relevant legislation.
Government of the Republic of Macedonia Secretariat for European Affairs Fifth Meeting, Subcommittee on Transport, Environment, Energy and Regional Development, , Skopje THE ROAD TRAFFIC SAFETY The main task of the Strategy is to reduce a number of persons killed in road accidents by 50% and ZERO Children road users killed by the year of The main acting points of the Strategy are implemented by acting in the areas of: The road and road infrastructure; Technical safety of the vehicles; Road traffic control; Preventive and corrective measures for not accepting legislation; Public awareness for road traffic education; Corrective measures for road traffic delinquency; Implementation of safe technologies; Continual education and professional training;
Government of the Republic of Macedonia Secretariat for European Affairs Fifth Meeting, Subcommittee on Transport, Environment, Energy and Regional Development, , Skopje III. Aims of the National strategy including proposed solutions 1.Decrease of number of accidents and their consequences caused by speeding 2.Decrease of number of accidents and their consequences caused by not giving way 3.Decrease of number of accidents and their consequences caused under influence of alcohol and other drugs 4.Decrease of severity of road accident consequences by increasing the rate of wearing restraint devices 5.Better protection of vulnerable road users 6.Providing safe road environment 7. Improving of post-accident care 8. Increase respect for the law by all road users 9. Co-ordination of all activities
Government of the Republic of Macedonia Secretariat for European Affairs Fifth Meeting, Subcommittee on Transport, Environment, Energy and Regional Development, , Skopje Prognosis of the number of persons killed in traffic accidents according to the Strategy based on real comparability of data, number of inhabitants per vehicle
Government of the Republic of Macedonia Secretariat for European Affairs Fifth Meeting, Subcommittee on Transport, Environment, Energy and Regional Development, , Skopje Implementation of the National strategy provides qualitative, efficient, effective and beyond all safe system for reducing the number of road accidents with injuries and fatalities. Enforcement of the National Strategy will contribute to Direct benefit in the amount of 200 million euro, represented by decreasing the cost for medical treatment of the injured, decreased cost for material damage, reduced cost for road and road infrastructure damages, and indirect benefit in the amount of 300 million euro in the areas of environmental protection and the social sphere.
Government of the Republic of Macedonia Secretariat for European Affairs Fifth Meeting, Subcommittee on Transport, Environment, Energy and Regional Development, , Skopje For successful implementation of the National Strategy The Government, together with NCRTS will make The COORDINATION BODY composed from representatives of the National Council and other relevant authorities, with one goal: to implement the National Strategy