Townsville, Saturday, 26 February 2011 Presented by Gerard Byrne Volunteering North Queensland Townsville City Council
Some housekeeping to start with - Evacuation – main exits in an orderly fashion Mobile Phones – please turn off or silent mode Amenities – outside on the right Breaks Finish – before midday
How is this workshop different from previous years? More emphasis on local opportunities Update on current Government trends Where we are at with computers and technology eg National Broadband Network (NBN)
What do you want covered today? Pair up with the person on your left Agree on one thing you want to take home from today We will write it up on the whiteboard At the end of the session, we will check that it has been covered
What we will do today? Learn how to: Apply for grants How to find out what grants are available The importance of partnerships Use writing tools to make your case
What we will do today? Discover: What Grants Bodies are seeking from applicants How to build a successful grants relationship Pointers on how to write a clear succinct and comprehensive project outline Ways to make your grant application stand out among the rest
Who are you? This workshop is aimed at: First time Grants Writers Experienced Grants Writers Sporting Bodies, Community, Arts and Cultural groups Administrators and treasurers who apply for and acquit grants Accountants and auditors responsible for acquitting grants
Ten Point Plan 1. Plan Ahead 2. READ the Guidelines – use highlighter 3. PHONE the contact person 4. Be realistic 5. Do your homework 6. Gather your evidence 7. Collaboration 8. How can you measure your outcomes 9. Tailor your grant application to the criteria 10. Always proof read your own work
Grants Sources Newspapers Word of Mouth Internet / Websites (eg Google Local Government Councilors Local Members of Parliament Council Libraries Volunteering North Queensland
REFERENCES Submission Writing Ten Point Model Grants Writing Tips (Dos and Don’ts) References (eg Ourcommunity Books, etc) Volunteering North Queensland Website (
Any Questions? (Short Break)
Case Study - Gambling Community Benefit Fund Features: How much can I apply for? One-off grants of up to $35,000 are allocated to approved not-for-profit organisations to help them provide community services or activities that benefit the community. These grants are not intended to replace existing sources of support for these organisations. Grants of more than $35,000 are considered for more complex applications which have significant community benefit. Who can apply? Applications must be from Queensland-based organisations. The majority of Queensland not-for-profit community organisations are eligible to apply for a grant, either in their own right (if incorporated) or through a sponsor (if not incorporated). Funding Rounds The GCBF has four annual funding rounds. The closing dates for applications are 28 February, 31 May, 31 August and 30 November. If your eligible application is not successful in the first funding round, it is automatically considered in the next funding round. Solar Sport and Community Group Grants Funding guidelines and application forms for solar sport and community grants are available.
Case Study - Gambling Community Benefit Fund
Case Study – Townsville City Council Sport and Recreation Grants Grants for Excellence in Sport (No set closing dates, but must apply prior to event) Sport and Recreation Facility Assistance Program (Closes last Friday of March and October each year) Cultural Grants Grants for Excellence in Cultural Development (No set closing dates, but must apply prior to event) Regional Arts Development Fund (Closes last Friday of March and October each year) General Community Grants Community Organisations Grants Program (Closes last Friday of March, July, and October each year) Partnerships and Sponsorships Program (No set closing dates) Community Micro-Grants Program (No set closing dates) Community Heritage Grants (Closes last Friday of October each year) Safe & Healthy Townsville Community Safety Grants Program (One round in March of each year) Youth Opportunity Fund Theodore Kuchar Scholarship for Excellence in Music (Closes September) For further information please contact council's Community Development Officer - Community Grants on
Case Study – Townsville City Council Objectives The objectives of the Community Grants Scheme are to: Contribute towards community wellbeing for the residents of Townsville Support major festivals, community events and celebrations which showcase Townsville’s talent and enhance community identity and pride and bring economic and tourism opportunities to the region Encourage opportunities for participation in community life by the diverse range of groups which comprise Townsville’s community Develop high quality and multi-use sporting, cultural and community infrastructure Encourage achievement, and support the skill development of individuals and community organisations, in sport, cultural and community activities Support community based organisations and corporate identities (and voluntary contributions) in the provision of sporting, recreational, cultural and community activities Strengthen links with community organisations, businesses and other spheres of government, in areas of mutual interest, and Enhance sustainability and planned economic development. (Source: )
Case Study – Queensland Government The Queensland Government provides grants for a wide range of activities. Using the Grants Wizard Role of Government Agencies, Members of Parliament, and the Office of Economic and Statistical Research (OESR). If in doubt, “Google it”.
Case Study – Federal Government The Federal Government typically provides grants for larger projects and activities. Grantslink made easy: Role of Government Agencies, Members of Parliament, and the Office of Economic and Statistical Research. If in doubt, “Google it”.
Questions? Thank you for your attendance today Need help? Contact Volunteering North Queensland