Aruba Airport Authority N.V. Queen Reina Beatrix Airport “Positioned for Responsible Growth”
Sustainability Ability to Endure
Stakeholders Government of Aruba Airlines Passengers Businesses that operate on and off airport Regulatory Agencies Airport Employees Community
Expectations Financially self-sustaining Maintain the highest standards for safety and security Create a financial and operational environment that promotes existing and future airline service Provide access to/and promote local businesses Create jobs and business opportunities Meet the current and future capacity demands Create a modern and hassle-free passenger experience Be a good neighbor and citizen in the community
Financial Sustainability Manage operating expenses in order to keep airline costs low Manage Capital Expenses and evaluate projects on their impact and alignment with business objectives Increase existing and develop new non- airline revenues streams
Operational Excellence Evaluating current and future capacity needs, and developing plans to meet those demands Improving the passenger experience Using technology to streamline passenger and baggage processes
3 phased approach: - Phase 1: Innovation implementation “Happy Flow” - Phase 2: pilot Pre-inspection - Phase 3: Pilot Pre-clearance to EU Happy Flow Concept
Community Outreach Promote interest in aviation Partner with Police and other Government Agencies Reach out to local artists, schools, musicians to showcase their talents at the airport Monetary support for charities that benefit the well-being of the community
2012 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ANALYSIS & CARBON FOOTPRINT STUDY Areas Analyzed: - Noise Impact -Third Party Risk -Water Quality -Solid Waste -Air Quality -Soil Pollutants -Ecology and Nature Protection Identify current and future environmental performance of Aruba Airport; Pinpoint (potential) bottlenecks in relation to the legislative framework; Provide guidance and options to improve the environmental performance & reduce Carbon footprint.
10 Protecting the Environment Energy awareness campaign Window tinting Chillers Night closure of the airport incl. shut down of systems and lighting Solar powered apron lights Solar powered cameras LED lighting Environmental friendly airside cleaning chemicals to break down fuel and oil spills Various energy saving projects Fuel and oil traps in rainwater runoff
LED Street Lighting Solar Powered Cameras BIO Diesel LED Signs in Terminal and Airside Energy Efficient Chillers REDUCING THE AIRPORT’S CARBON FOOTPRINT
ENERGY SAVING AAA energy savings of 2,000,000 kwh per year 280 houses
Airport Solar Car Park Project Details: - PPP between Elmar and PFIXX -Produce 2-3 MW power into the grid -Airport will be “Self Sustaining” showcase
The Sustainable Airport