ApprentiCentre Department of Training and Workforce Development Optima Centre, Level 3, 16 Parkland Road Osborne Park, WA
The Department of Training and Workforce Development’s ApprentiCentre: administers and regulates the apprenticeship and traineeship training contracts in Western Australia in accordance with Part 7 of the Vocational Education and Training Act 1996 and Part 4 of the Vocational Education and Training (General) Regulations ApprentiCentre
The main functions of ApprentiCentre are: registering of training contracts entered into between employers and apprentices; registering of training contracts entered into between employers and apprentices; administering variations to training contracts (e.g. extensions, change of training providers, change of employer). The relevant forms can be found on the ApprentiCentre website, at; administering variations to training contracts (e.g. extensions, change of training providers, change of employer). The relevant forms can be found on the ApprentiCentre website, at; monitoring and assessing compliance consistent with the relevant parts of the legislation; monitoring and assessing compliance consistent with the relevant parts of the legislation; providing advice and guidance to parties in relation to their training contract; providing advice and guidance to parties in relation to their training contract; and and facilitating dispute resolution between the parties for disputes arising under the training contract. facilitating dispute resolution between the parties for disputes arising under the training contract.
Five key stakeholders in the apprenticeship system The employer The apprentice/trainee Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) Commonwealth Government Service Providers The Department of Training and Workforce Development’s ApprentiCentre
Parties to the Training Contract are: the employer; the apprentice/trainee; and the guardian, if the apprentice/trainee is under 18 years of age.
The employer has obligations to: employ and train an apprentice/trainee as agreed in the Training Plan; employ and train an apprentice/trainee as agreed in the Training Plan; release an apprentice/trainee for training and assessment; release an apprentice/trainee for training and assessment; facilitate the training and provide work relevant to the qualification; facilitate the training and provide work relevant to the qualification; pay the apprentice/trainee to attend training and assessment; pay the apprentice/trainee to attend training and assessment; supervise the apprentice/trainee, and monitor and support their progress; supervise the apprentice/trainee, and monitor and support their progress; meet all legal requirements regarding the apprentice/trainee; and meet all legal requirements regarding the apprentice/trainee; and notify ApprentiCentre within five working days if the training contract becomes jeopardised. notify ApprentiCentre within five working days if the training contract becomes jeopardised. The employer
The apprentice/trainee has obligations* to: attend work, do their job and follow the employer’s instructions as long as they are lawful attend training and undertake any training and assessment as outlined in the Training Plan. work towards achieving the qualification stated in the Training Contract. *The guardian will uphold these obligations until the apprentice turns 18 years of age.
Role of the Registered Training Organisation (RTO) negotiate and sign a training plan with the employer and apprentice; negotiate and sign a training plan with the employer and apprentice; facilitate the training and assessment; facilitate the training and assessment; record the achievement of competencies record the achievement of competencies report to ApprentiCentre on: report to ApprentiCentre on: apprentice’s poor attendance or performance; employer/apprentice not complying with the training plan. A Training Contract is completed when the RTO, employer and apprentice/trainee agree that the apprentice has attained all required competencies.
facilitating the signing of a training contract and submitting it to ApprentiCentre for registration; administering employer incentives and the trade support loan; and providing advice and guidance to the employer and apprentice throughout the contract. The Commonwealth Government Service Providers are responsible for:
A training plan is a document that monitors progress and records achieved competencies. It should include: the approved VET Course including the competencies; the approved VET Course including the competencies; when, where and when, where and how the training and assessment is to occur and who will provide them; and how the training and assessment is to occur and who will provide them; and credit transfers or RPL awarded. credit transfers or RPL awarded. The Training Plan must be signed within six weeks after the training contract is signed or the probation period.
ApprentiCentre ApprentiCentre Department of Training and Workforce Development Optima Centre, Level 3, 16 Parkland Road Osborne Park, WA If you have any questions in relation to your training contract please contact ApprentiCentre