Workshop on Tax-Customs Interaction Beirut, Lebanon August 26-28, 2014 The Importance of Improving Revenue Administration Enhancing Interaction and Coordination Between Tax and Customs Administrations
Tax:GDP Ratios (%), 2012 Selected Countries – Middle East, GCC and Europe Middle EastGCCEurope Egypt15.8Kuwait1.5Austria43.4 Jordan21.1Oman2.0Belgium46.8 Lebanon14.4Qatar2.2France44.6 Sudan6.3Saudi Arabia5.3Germany40.6 Yemen7.1UAE1.4UK39.0 Unweighted average Source: The Heritage Foundation
Gross Government Debt:GDP Ratios (%) 2012 Middle EastGCCEurope Egypt80.2Kuwait7.29Austria73.7 Jordan79.6Oman6.12Belgium99.6 Lebanon139.5Qatar37.8France90.3 Sudan97.6Saudi Arabia3.6Germany82.0 Yemen46.7UAE17.6UK90.3 Unweighted average Source: The Heritage Foundation
Debt:Tax Ratios RegionGross Debt:Tax RatioNet Debt:Tax Ratio Middle East GCC5.8(-) Europe Government Debt stands at a significantly less sustainable level in the METAC region than elsewhere in the Middle East and Europe But increased Government expenditure will be required to finance development initiatives
Redressing the Imbalance This situation can be improved through: Reducing Government spending – but there are limits to what can be achieved Economic growth – but this will require increased investment, and time Fiscal regime – but raising rates will not be a sustainable option Efficient and effective revenue administration, resulting in higher levels of compliance
Taxpayer Compliance Non-compliant taxpayer behavior is not selective A taxpayer who is high-risk for one tax type will probably be high-risk for all tax types Systems, organizational models and working practices that facilitate a single view of the taxpayer are essential to effective compliance management
Tax – Customs Interaction Tax and Customs Revenue functions are closely related The effective exchange of information and coordination of activities will benefit both functions Obstacles to achieving better integration exist, but it will be worth identifying and addressing them
Thank You Middle East Regional Technical Assistance Center International Monetary Fund Charles Jenkins Revenue Administration Advisor Tel: Ext. 294 Mobile: Website: