©2004 Community Faculty Development Center Teaching Styles As Teaching Methods
GNO Methods E KSA: Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes Teaching Styles.…Is it just a matter of style?… ©2004 Community Faculty Development Center
"Style" The way or manner (Method) in which something is said or done - American Heritage Dictionary ©2004 Community Faculty Development Center
A. Keep Students Interested - Excited teacher with loud voice and lots of energy - Humor - Change activities frequently B. Respect Learners C. Objective Driven Types of Teaching Styles ©2004 Community Faculty Development Center
A. Keep Students Interested B. Respect Learners - Supportive - Encourages C. Objective Driven Types of Teaching Styles ©2004 Community Faculty Development Center
A. Keep Students Interested B. Respect Learners C. Objective Driven - Verbal teaching styles - Bibliotherapy: Use of written handouts and articles Knowledge Skills Attitudes Types of Teaching Styles ©2004 Community Faculty Development Center
By the end of the large and small group sessions, participants will be able to: 1. List and describe 4 verbal teaching styles. 2. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each style with respect to different teaching objectives. 3. Practice using teaching styles that, for them, are non-preferred (non-dominant). 4. Use teaching styles to teach strategies which enhance clinical problem solving. Objectives ©2004 Community Faculty Development Center
Assertive Suggestive Collaborative Facilitative Teacher’s experience Learner’s experience Teaching Styles ©2004 Community Faculty Development Center
Assertive teaching style Teacher’s experience Learner’s experience Teacher’s experience Learner’s experience Assertive Suggestive Collaborative Facilitative ©2004 Community Faculty Development Center
Facilitative teaching style Teacher’s experience Learner’s experience Assertive Suggestive Collaborative Facilitative ©2004 Community Faculty Development Center
Teacher’s experience Learner’s experience Assertive Suggestive Collaborative Facilitative Suggestive teaching style ©2004 Community Faculty Development Center
1.Built in Needs Assessment 2.Activating Prior Knowledge 3.Demonstrating the problem solving steps 4.Keeps learner awake Benefits of Suggestive Questions
Teacher’s experience Learner’s experience Assertive Suggestive Collaborative Facilitative Assertive Suggestive Collaborative Facilitative Collaborative teaching style ©2004 Community Faculty Development Center
Name some mechanisms by which you get osteo? [Suggestive/Activating Prior Knowledge] Why did this patient get osteo? [Collaborative] Now why do you think he got osteo? Where do kids usually get osteo? Why? [Suggestive] Assertive Did you see how I thought that thru? [Explicit] Utilizing Suggestive & Collaborative
1Joint effort between the teacher and learner. 2Built in Needs Assessment 3Deals with thinking skills. Similarities between Suggestive and Collaborative Styles ©2004 Community Faculty Development Center
Student working harder Students structuring responses Teacher’s experience Learner’s experience Suggestive Collaborative Teacher working harder Teacher structuring responses Contrasts between Suggestive and Collaborative Styles ©2004 Community Faculty Development Center
n “Verbal Teaching Styles” are value-neutral. n No one style is unqualifiedly better or worse than another. n Each “Teaching Style” has its own advantages and usefulness. n The Key is flexibility. Summary of Teaching Styles ©2004 Community Faculty Development Center
Teaching Styles & Problem Solving
n Upper Respiratory Tract u URI u Allergy u Sinus n Lower Respiratory Tract u Asthma u Pneumonia Teaching Styles & Problem Solving ©2004 Community Faculty Development Center
Hematuria KidneyUreterBladderUrethra Urethritis Infection Rheumatologic Foreign body 15 year old with hematuria ©2004 Community Faculty Development Center
The first ball game! Problem Solving
©2004 Community Faculty Development Center n 1st year resident in private office in February n Nice with patients n Good interviewing and Physical Exam Skills n Presenting patient with meningomyelocoele here for routine care. Video Demonstration
©2004 Community Faculty Development Center What teaching styles were used to obtain the needs assessment? What are the resident’s needs? What teaching styles (methods) were used to address the needs? How effective were those teaching styles in addressing the learner’s needs? Would other styles have been more effective? Video Demonstration (cont)