Highly Qualified Teacher Information Presentation Cleveland Municipal School District Employee Services Office and the Office of Professional Development Services March 2004 Click on the LEFT side of your mouse to advance from one slide to the next slide.
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Welcome to the H ighly Q ualified T eacher Information Presentation The goal of this presentation is to answer the following frequently asked questions about the HQT process: 1.What is the purpose of this process? 2.Who determines if a teacher is highly qualified? 3.What is the definition of a highly qualified teacher? 4.How will I know if I am identified as highly qualified? 5.What do I need to do if I am not identified as highly qualified? 6.What is the time line for this process? 7.Who can I contact if I have more questions?
Question One What is the purpose of this process?
Answer to Question One The Ohio Department of Education has created a video to answer this question. Click on the website address to view this short video. webcasts/hqt_video.asp
Question Two Who determines if a teacher is highly qualified?
Answer to Question Two The No Child Left Behind Act requires that all teachers of core academic subjects be highly qualified. Core academic subjects include English, reading, language arts, mathematics, science, foreign languages, civics and government, economics, arts, history, and geography (NCLB Section 9101). Source: No Child Left Behind Requirements for Highly Qualified Teachers Ohio Department of Education
Question Three What is the definition of a highly qualified teacher?
Answer to Question Three Highly Qualified Teachers—Elementary Level A highly qualified teacher at the elementary level (K-6) is one who holds at least a bachelor’s degree and has full state certification through a Provisional or Professional Teaching License for PreK-3, 4-9,or Provisional, Professional, or Permanent Certificate 1-8, K- 8, K-3, PreK-3, 4-9,or K-12, and who meets the requirements below. A highly qualified teacher NEW to the profession at the elementary level, in addition to holding at least a bachelor’s degree and full state certification/licensure, must have completed: Source: No Child Left Behind Requirements for Highly Qualified Teachers Ohio Department of Education
Answer to Question Three - Continued –the examination approved by the State Board of Education (Ohio Administrative Code ) OR –the following high objective uniform state standard evaluation: a graduate degree in the teaching assignment, OR advanced certification defined as a professional or permanent certificate; OR advanced credentialing defined as National Board Certification OR achieve 100 points on the Ohio Highly Qualified Teacher Rubric OR meet the following requirements by 2006: Source: No Child Left Behind Requirements for Highly Qualified Teachers Ohio Department of Education
Answer to Question Three Continued A highly qualified teacher NOT NEW to the profession at the elementary level, in addition to holding at least a bachelor’s degree and full state certification/licensure, must have completed: An individual professional development plan approved by the local professional development committee** that includes a plan to complete by 2006 at least ninety (90) clock hours of high quality professional development (as defined in No Child Left Behind, Section 9101) well distributed over the following areas: grade appropriate academic subject matter knowledge, teaching skills, and state academic content standards. Upon completion of the 90 clock hours submit documentation to the Local Professional Development Committee that includes a description of the content of the activities, the contact hours, and documentation of attainment of learning by the teacher. Convert to a five year professional license by Source: No Child Left Behind Requirements for Highly Qualified Teachers Ohio Department of Education
Answer to Question Three Continued **The Local Professional Development Committee (authorized by Senate Bill 230 to be established in every Ohio school district) has a membership of at least three classroom teachers, one principal, and one other employee appointed by the district superintendent. The LPDC will determine if the individual professional development plan includes appropriate professional development activities consistent with the highly qualified teacher definition and the definition of high quality professional development. Source: No Child Left Behind Requirements for Highly Qualified Teachers Ohio Department of Education
Answer to Question Three Continued Highly Qualified Teachers—Middle & Secondary Level A highly qualified teacher at the middle and secondary levels (grades 7-12) is one who holds at least a bachelor’s degree and holds full state certification through a Provisional or Professional teaching license for Middle Childhood 4-9, or Adolescent to Young Adult 7-12, or Provisional, Professional, or Permanent Certificate 1-8, K-8, 4-9, K-12, or 7-12, for each teaching assignment, and who meets the requirements below. A highly qualified teacher NEW to the profession at the middle and secondary levels (grades 7-12), in addition to holding at least a bachelor’s degree and full state certification/licensure, must have completed: –the examination approved by the State Board of Education (Ohio Administrative Code ). Source: No Child Left Behind Requirements for Highly Qualified Teachers Ohio Department of Education
Answer to Question Three Continued A highly qualified teacher NOT NEW to the profession at the middle and secondary levels (grades 7-12), in addition to holding at least a bachelor’s degree and full state certification, must have completed: –the examination approved by the State Board of Education (Ohio Administrative Code ) OR –an academic major or coursework equivalent to an academic major (defined as 30 semester hours of upper level courses) in the teaching assignment OR –a graduate degree in the teaching assignment, OR –advanced certification defined as a professional or permanent certificate with at least 30 hours in the content area in the teaching assignment OR –advanced credentialing defined as National Board Certification in the teaching assignment OR –the following high objective uniform state standard evaluation: Source: No Child Left Behind Requirements for Highly Qualified Teachers Ohio Department of Education
Answer to Question Three Continued the following high objective uniform state standard evaluation: achieve 100 points on the Ohio Highly Qualified Rubric OR Have an individual professional development plan approved by the local professional development committee** that includes a plan to complete by 2006 at least ninety (90) clock hours of high quality professional development (as defined in No Child Left Behind, Section 9101) well distributed over the following areas: grade appropriate academic subject matter knowledge, teaching skills, and state academic content standards and Upon completion of the 90 clock hours submit documentation to the Local Professional Development Committee that includes a description of the content of the activities, the contact hours, and documentation of attainment of learning by the teacher. Convert to a five year professional license by Source: No Child Left Behind Requirements for Highly Qualified Teachers Ohio Department of Education
Answer to Question Three Continued **The Local Professional Development Committee (authorized by Senate Bill 230 to be established in every Ohio school district) has a membership of at least three classroom teachers, one principal, and one other employee appointed by the district superintendent. The LPDC will determine if the individual professional development plan includes appropriate professional development activities consistent with the highly qualified teacher definition and the definition of high quality professional development. Source: No Child Left Behind Requirements for Highly Qualified Teachers Ohio Department of Education
Question Four How will I know if I am identified as highly qualified?
Answer to Question Four The Ohio Department of Education has created an information packet to answer this question. Click on the website address to view this packet. You may print this information packet. profession/pdf/HQTWorksheet.pdfhttp:// profession/pdf/HQTWorksheet.pdf
Answer to Question Four Continued The Ohio Department of Education has created a rubric to answer this question. Click on the website address below to view this rubric. You may print this rubric. profession/pdf/HQTRubric.pdfhttp:// profession/pdf/HQTRubric.pdf
Answer to Question Four Continued The National Education Association has created an online website alification/to answer this question. Click on the website address below to view this document. You may print this document. alification/to
Answer to Question Four Continued The Employee Services Department has made the necessary forms available. Click on the name of each form below: - Individual Professional Development Plan (for Highly Qualified Teachers-HQT) Individual Professional Development Plan (for HighlyQualified Teachers-HQT) - Highly Qualified Teacher FlowchartHighly Qualified Teacher Flowchart - Highly Qualified Teacher Document Submission FormHighly Qualified Teacher Document Submission Form - Selection of Professional Development GoalsSelection of Professional Development Goals - Individual Professional Development Plan Cover SheetIndividual Professional Development Plan Cover Sheet You may print each of these documents.
Question Five What do I need to do if I am not identified as highly qualified?
Answer to Question Five Achieve 100 points on the Ohio Highly Qualified Rubric OR Have an individual professional development plan approved by the local professional development committee** that includes a plan to complete by 2006 at least ninety (90) clock hours of high quality professional development (as defined in No Child Left Behind, Section 9101) well distributed over the following areas: grade appropriate academic subject matter knowledge, teaching skills, and state academic content standards and Upon completion of the 90 clock hours submit documentation to the Local Professional Development Committee that includes a description of the content of the activities, the contact hours, and documentation of attainment of learning by the teacher. Convert to a five year professional license by **The Local Professional Development Committee (authorized by Senate Bill 230 to be established in every Ohio school district) has a membership of at least three classroom teachers, one principal, and one other employee appointed by the district superintendent. The LPDC will determine if the individual professional development plan includes appropriate professional development activities consistent with the highly qualified teacher definition and the definition of high quality professional development.
Question Six What is the time line for this process?
Answer to Question Six The timeline for meeting this requirement is contingent upon two elements: (1) the date of employment and (2) whether the teacher is working in a program supported by Title I funds (targeted assistance or school-wide). If hired after the first day of school in the school year and working in a program supported with Title 1 funds (school-wide or targeted assistance), the teacher must meet the requirements upon employment. If hired after the first day of school in the school year and NOT working in a program supported with Title 1 funds (school-wide or targeted assistance), the teacher must meet the requirements by the end of the school year. If hired before the first day of school in the school year, the teacher must meet the requirements by the end of the school year, regardless of whether working in a program supported by Title 1 funds or not. Source: No Child Left Behind Requirements for Highly Qualified Teachers Ohio Department of Education
Question Seven Who can I contact if I have more questions?
Answer to Question Seven The Ohio Department of Education has developed a list of Frequently Asked Questions. Click on the website address to view the FQA. You may print this information. g-profession/word/nclb_q_a.dochttp:// g-profession/word/nclb_q_a.doc
Answer to Question Seven Continued Contact the Office of Professional Development Services at or , if you have additional questions about CEUs. Contact Employee Service Office at if you have additional questions about submitting your HQT documents.