TEACHER CERTIFICATION TUTORIAL TIMS = Teacher Information Management System BY: Dr. Cindy Ferraro and Ginger Daddona
BEGIN AT: PA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Begin at the PA Department of Education Home Page (Above Hot Link)
Log In Information Once you have registered with the Pennsylvania Department of Education, you will then “Log In” to your account. The Log In will grant access to your information and you will use this account to apply for proper certifications. To “Register” simply click on “Register” and follow the prompts. Remember: You will need this login for every time you wish to check the status of your certification applications & other pertinent information regarding teacher certification (make sure you make note of your Log In and Password for future reference).
Above is a snapshot of the “Log In” Page Enter your registered Username & Password
Main Screen Following Log In Next: Click on “Teachers” Icon
Next click on: “TIMS” Icon
Green Arrow = (Click) User Guides Red Arrow = (Click) Log Into the TIMS
Next: TIMS Application Dashboard
Verifying Your Test Scores
Apply For Certification = Click: “New Credential Application”
Select “Requested Credential Type” = Instructional I (61) Select Certification Subject Area(s) For a complete step by step guide to help you with applying for your PA Certification, please see/click: “A Knights Guide for Applying for Teacher Certification in Pennsylvania”A Knights Guide for Applying for Teacher Certification in Pennsylvania (The link will take you to a detailed PDF document)
Printing the Coversheet The applicant will print this coversheet and directly mail (as directed in Seminar II) to the state of Pennsylvania. Next: “Click here to print the coversheet.”
Next: This prompt below will appear. Click “Open” or “Save”
A new window will open with a PDF file as shown below.
The Coversheet Explained Requirements Proof of Documents Important Instructions for document submission. Please read all instructions carefully
The Coversheet Explained “Taken from PDE Applicant User Guide” IMPORTANT NOTE: A two page document will open in PDF format. Review BOTH pages of the document as it provides detailed instructions for submitting required documentation. It is important that you read and follow all directions closely as this will help ensure that your application is processed as quickly as possible. Providing the cover sheet, which includes bar codes are used to identify and process your application within TIMS. You may save and print this document from the PDF file. Refer to screenshot of the second page of cover sheet document on slide 14. By saving the document to your hard drive you can print the document later or send it electronically to a PK‐12 Educational Entity or an Approved Educator Preparation Program if necessary. You will be required to submit it to PDE along with the documentation required. You may return to TIMS and print the cover sheet from your dashboard also.
The Coversheet Explained “Taken from PDE Applicant User Guide” As noted, Slide 15 is the second page of the cover sheet which provides specific information regarding the requirements for the credential or credential update for which you are applying. The last column “Application Requirements” identifies the requirements, while the “Acceptable Documents” column indicates the possible proof items that would demonstrate that you meet the requirements. To facilitate receipt of the documents and document scanning, these items are categorized in first column, “Document Category”. Below the grid are IMPORTANT instructions on how to submit the documentation to meet the requirements for the credential being requested.
Application Checklist 1.Application / Coversheet is 100% complete and correct (when submitted) 2.Health Certificate* 1.*Send blank health form to PDE: 2.Effective July 9, 2013, Act 59 of 2013 has eliminated the requirement for the Health certificate 1. unity/applications___forms/8649/health_certificate/ http:// unity/applications___forms/8649/health_certificate/
Things to Remember When Applying for Certifications…… There is a $100 Fee when applying for the “Level I (61) Certification” in the State of Pennsylvania. All candidates are required to apply online via Teacher Information Management System. Applicants may pay processing fee in either two forms Debit / Credit during TIMS online application. Standard money order: $ Make payable to “Commonwealth of Pennsylvania”)
Send All Certification Materials to: Bureau of School Leadership & Teacher Quality The Pennsylvania Department of Education 333 Market Street, 12 th Floor Harrisburg, PA
Things to Remember…Cont: Verify that your online application is 100% complete & error free before submitting for approval. The TIMS system will not allow the applicant to “go back” and make changes to their certification materials once everything has been submitted to PDE. If changes are necessary, the applicant must contact the PA Department of Education.
Things to Remember…Cont: Verify that your application is specifically a Pennsylvania “Instructional I (61)” application before finally submitting to the PDE. Remember to follow up with the Neumann University Education Department to learn if your online application has been received & properly processed. The Department should receive a notification in their TIMS dashboard in order to confirm applications to the PDE.
News: Certification Delivery As of 2/9/2012, The State of Pennsylvania will no longer send Teacher’s Certificates via U.S. Mail. Certificates will be available online via the TIMS database once the certification process has been completed and approved by the appropriate administrators of Neumann University & the State of Pennsylvania.
Contact Information If you have any questions concerning the new TIMS system (excluding technical support), please contact: Ms. Ginger Daddona Neumann University’s Certification Specialist. Phone: (8am to 5pm M-F)
Please Note Due to the new implementation period of the Teacher Information Management System (TIMS), the information presented on this slideshow may be amended at anytime. (4/2013)