The Resident As Teacher University of Oklahoma
Introduction Doctor comes from the latin Docere that means to teach Students are significantly affected by the presence of residents In turn, teaching helps residents learn
COM Goals and Objectives Residents must know what knowledge, skills, behaviors and attitudes students are expected to learn Residents must be given clerkship goals and objectives to teach effectively
request Clerkship goals and objectives IM GS Pedi FP Psych EM OB/GYN
Resident Teaching Modeling Attitudes Professionalism Patient interaction Intellectual curiosity
Resident teaching Serving as a Lecturer Leading Discussions Providing bedside instruction/observation Sharing thought processes Reviewing/discussing written work Listening to/discussing presentations
Characteristics of Effective Teachers Empathetic Compassionate Patient Interested in students and their needs Sensitive Accessible
Residents are clinician teachers As a clinician teacher, residents Help students Assess learners’ needs Improve learners’ communication skills Create interactions with patients/families Seek new learning experiences for students
Resident Teaching Styles Use open-ended questions “Based on the history so far, what diagnoses are you considering?” “What is the significance of…?” “How do you interpret that finding?” “What lab tests would be most helpful?”
Adult learning styles Use information soon after learning it Learning concepts and principles to solve problems Proceeding at their own pace Relating subject matter to immediate concerns Prefer active learning
Feedback Adult learners like to know how they are doing Two kinds of evaluation are important Formative evaluation occurs in a timely ongoing fashion so the learner can change behavior to meet expectations Summative evaluation is given at the end of the rotation
Feedback Essentials Timely, ongoing, frequent Specific – based on observed data Positive when deserved Not demeaning when critical Descriptive, not evaluative Focused on something that can be changed (Constructive)
Approaches to Feedback Given the information you presented the differential diagnosis should have included TB…because… Your differential diagnosis is inadequate.
Approaches to Feedback You were able to convey empathy and understanding. It helped with the management of a difficult situation. You did a good job.
Approaches to Feedback While you were talking with the patient, it looked like he was having trouble following you. You might want to speak more slowly and check understanding. The patient can’t understand you because of your accent.
Student Frustrations Frequent interruptions when trying to present patients Lack of assistance with physical exam skills Casual review of written work/delayed return of evaluations Inadequate feedback
The End You have completed the module The Resident as Teacher