Introduction to Engineering Definitions Technology Team Engineering Disciplines at ITB Engineering Functions Career Paths ABET Requirements Engineering Profession IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1
IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1 What is Engineering? The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) defines engineering: “the profession in which a knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences gained by study, experience, and practice is applied with judgment to develop ways to utilize, economically, the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of mankind.” Catatan untuk pengajar Perhatikan definisi engineering ini. Dalam bidang Computing akan ada computer science dan computer engineering. Sedapat mungkin jelaskan perbedaannya. IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1
IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1 What is Engineering? Engineering is a profession like medicine, law, etc. that aspires to high standards of conduct and recognizes its responsibility to the general public. IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1
IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1 Technology Team Scientist - Like an engineer, but a primary goal is the expansion of knowledge and understanding physical processes. Engineer - Applies knowledge of math and the physical sciences to the efficient design and construction of usable devices, structures and processes. Catatan untuk pengajar Untuk memudahkan menjelaskan bagian ini, pengajar dapat mengaitkan dengan konsep Research, Development, and Engineering dan juga dengan latar belakang pendidikan. IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1
IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1 Technology Team Technologist - Technologists focus on direct application of established engineering principles and processes. Math, the physical sciences, and underlying engineering theory receive limited coverage. More interested in hardware and processes. IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1
IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1 Technology Team Technician - Completes a 2 year degree in a narrow technical area such as electronics, drafting, or machining. Artisans - Training may be a combination of schooling and work experience. Examples include, welders, machinists, electricians, carpenters, painters, steel workers, and artists. IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1
Engineering Disciplines at ITB STEI Electrical Engineering Computer Science and Engineering FTI Mechanical Engineering Aerospace Engineering Chemical Engineering Engineering Physics Material Science and Engineering Catatan untuk Pengajar Daftar ini hanya memuat sebagian program study yang ditawarkan oleh ITB. Sebagian lain tidak dimasukkan mengingat program studi tersebut tidak masuk kategori engineering dalam perguruan tinggi terkemuka bidang engineering di US, misalnya MIT dan Stanford IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1
Engineering Disciplines at ITB FTSL Civil Engineering Environmental Engineering Ocean Engineering FIKTIM Petroleum Engineering Mining The above list does not include study programs which are not firmly consideres as engineering discipline in major US academic institutions IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1
IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1 Engineering Degrees Awarded by Discipline in the US in 1993-94. (64,946 degrees awarded) IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1
Engineering Functions The focus of an engineer’s work typically falls into one or more of the following areas: Research - explore, discover and apply new principles Development - transform ideas or concepts into production processes Design - link the generation of ideas and the production IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1
Engineering Functions Production and testing - manufacture and assemble components or products Sales - market engineering products Operations - maintain equipment and facilities Construction - prior to construction organizes bids, during construction supervises certain components of process IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1
Engineering Functions Management - optimize the use of resources (equipment, labor, finances) Education - teach engineering principles in university and industrial settings Consulting - provide specialized engineering services the clients. May work alone or in partnership other engineers. IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1
IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1 Who employs engineers? Percentages of Employed Engineers by Major Fields and Sector of Employment (Based on 1988 data from Wright) IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1
Career Paths for Engineers There are at least seven career options for graduating engineering students: 1) Corporate ladder 2) Independent entrepreneur 3) Military or government 4) Engineering and social service aboard 5) Professor/engineer 6) Graduate work outside engineering 7) A mix of first six options IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1
ABET Engineering Curricula Four year engineering programs approved by The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) includes a broad range of courses. Catatan untuk Pengajar Bagian ini menjelaskan menunjukkan pentingnya bidang-bidang lain di luar bidang keahlian (teknik) yang dimiliki seorang engineer. Bidang teknik spesifik misalnya Teknik Elektronika atau Sistem Informasi hanya 26% dari keseluruhan pendidikan. IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1
Why do I care about ABET accreditation? Study programs within STEI are planned (by ITB) to be the first to apply for ABET accreditation ABET audits engineering programs on a regular basis to assure that the program maintains high standards. Having an engineering degree from a four-year accredited engineering program is required to become a registered professional engineer. IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1
Engineering as a Profession Engineering possesses those attributes that typically characterize a profession: Satisfies an indispensable and beneficial need. Requires the exercise of discretion and judgment and is not subject to standardization. IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1
Engineering as a Profession Involves activities that require knowledge and skill not commonly possessed by the general public. Has group consciousness for the promotion of knowledge and professional ideas and for rendering social services. Has a legal status and requires well-formulated standards of admission. IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1
Professional Registration (US) Six steps are typically required to become a registered professional engineer 1. Graduate from an ABET approved (4 year) engineering curriculum. 2. Pass the fundamentals exam (FE) or (EIT) engineer in training exam in their last term or after graduation. Catatan untuk Pengajar Di Indonesia registrasi profesi insinyur tidak “mandatory”, bandingkan dengan kedokteran. Ini membuat registrasi profesi ini sangat kurang peminatnya. Namun untuk globalisasi, mau tidak mau Indonesia harus mulai memiliki sistem yang sebanding dengan ini agar insinyur kita pun dapat bekerja di luar negeri, tidak hanya insinyur luar negeri yang bekerja di negara kita. Mohon diingatkan sertifikasi profesi sangat bergantung negara ybs. Sertifikasi profesi insinyur di US diberikan oleh state dengan proses dijelaskan pada halaman ini, sedangkan UK dan Australia sertifikasi diberikan oleh organisasi profesi insinyurnya. IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1
Professional Registration (US) 3.Complete a minimum of four years of engineering practice 4.Obtain letters of references and approval to take PPE 5.Pass the Professional Exam (PE) or the Principals and Practice Exam (PPE) 6.Apply to individual states for professional license. IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1
Professional Certification in Indonesia Professional Engineer Organization in Indonesia: (Indonesian) Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia (PII) (English) The Institution of Engineers, Indonesia (IEI) Read Catatan untuk Pengajar Untuk menekankan mahasiswa untuk membaca home page tersebut, tugas pertama mahasiswa dalam PRnya diminta menjelaskan proses di atas. Di Indonesia PII meniru pole Australia dan berniat menjadi lembaga pemberi sertifikasi insinyur (seperti halnya IDI memberi sertifikasi dokter). Namun kewenangan ini belum diterima secara meluas. IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1
Professional Organization Professional societies within the STEI disciplines Electrical Engineering IEEE The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Indonesia Section Region 10 Asia Pacific Computing ACM Association for Computing Machinery Organisasi profesi secara umum dapat dikategorikan pada dua bentuk, pertama yang secara otomatis anggota penuhnya menjadi insinyur profesional (contoh di Inggris dan Australia) seperti dijelaskan di depan dan kedua organisasi yang tidak memberikan sertifikasi profesi namun mengembangkan keprofesian di bidang ybs. Untuk disiplin ilmu yang dikembangkan dalam STEI ada dua organisasi profesi yang perlu dikenal mahasiswa, yaitu IEEE dan ACM termasuk bidang-bidang yang digelutinya. IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1
IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1 IEEE Societies IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society IEEE Broadcast Technology Society IEEE Circuits and Systems Society IEEE Communications Society IEEE Components Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Society IEEE Computational Intelligence Society IEEE Computer Society IEEE Consumer Electronics Society IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1
IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1 IEEE Societies IEEE Control Systems Society IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society IEEE Education Society IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society IEEE Electron Devices Society IEEE Engineering Management Society IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society IEEE Geoscience & Remote Sensing Society IEEE Industrial Electronics Society IEEE Industry Applications Society IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1
IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1 IEEE Societies IEEE Information Theory Society IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society IEEE Lasers & Electro-Optics Society IEEE Magnetics Society IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society IEEE Power Electronics Society IEEE Power Engineering Society IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1
IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1 IEEE Societies IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society IEEE Professional Communication Society IEEE Reliability Society IEEE Robotics & Automation Society IEEE Signal Processing Society IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society IEEE Vehicular Technology Society IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1
ACM Special Interest Groups Accessibility and Computing Algorithms and Computation Theory Ada Programming Language APL Programming Language Applied Computing Computer Architecture Artificial Intelligence Embedded Systems Computers and Society Computer-Human Interaction Data Communication IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1
ACM Special Interest Groups Computer Science Education Design Automation Design of Communication Electronic Commerce Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Information Retrieval Information Technology Education Knowledge Discovery in Data Measurement and Evaluation Microarchitecture IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1
ACM Special Interest Groups Management Information Systems Multimedia Mobility of Systems, Users, Data and Computing Management of Data Operating Systems Programming Languages Security, Audit and Control Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation Simulation and Modeling Software Engineering University and College Computing Services Hypertext, Hypermedia and Web IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1
IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1 TUGAS – Latihan 1 Uraikan cara sertifikasi insinyur di Indonesia Jelaskan apa itu CMM dalam bidang peracangan perangkat lunak Kerjakan Problem 1.3, 1.5, dan 1.9 IE10T1 Konsep Teknologi - Chapter 1