MINNESOTA P-16 EDUCATION PARTNERSHIP January 28, 2009 Overview of Potential Future P-16 Partnership Initiatives to Strengthen Teacher Effectiveness
Importance of Teacher Effectiveness The teacher is the single most influential factor in student learning Students whose teachers know their content and how to teach it well achieve substantially more Effects of a very good teacher last beyond the one year
Focus on Four Critical Factors in the Teacher Effectiveness Continuum Teacher preparation Induction Professional development School leadership
Teacher Preparation Collaborative efforts to recruit teacher candidates of promise School-based preparation that embeds teacher preparation and continuous professional development in the school setting Formal classes and clinical experiences on-site that connect to the learning needs of P-12 students in the school Focus on the needs of today’s schools Emphasize skills for data collection, analysis, and use in targeting student’s instructional needs
Induction Comprehensive induction systems that provide early career development for beginning teachers Pattern of career-focused professional learning that is collegial, supportive, and non-evaluative Including but not limited to mentoring Results: Increased retention of early career teachers Improved teaching practices
Professional Development Access to sustained professional development in core areas such as reading for all teachers Development of cultural competence for all school staff Organization of school schedules for collaboration with colleagues to focus on student problems, examine data, build curriculum, and organize instruction Continued professional development to promote higher level thinking and depth of curriculum
School Leadership Second only to classroom instruction among all school-related factors that contribute to student learning Successful leadership practices: setting directions, developing people, and redesigning the organization School climate where all learners and families are valued, including those from various racial, language, and income groups Ensuring alignment among goals, programs, policies and professional development
Further considerations Necessary to focus on Minnesota context Continuing need for research Opportunity for collaboration among organizations that contribute to the success of P-12 learners Minnesota P-16 Education Partnership has had an interest in teacher effectiveness since its founding