Conflict Resolution Education in Teacher Education A Collaboration between Cleveland State University, Temple University, Kent State University, West Chester University and the Ohio Commission for Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management.
CRETE Mission CRETE works with higher education faculty, instructors, field supervisors, and school-based mentor teachers and counselors to infuse conflict education into their existing coursework and future educators’ field experiences to provide pre- service teachers and counselors critical skills in conflict education and classroom management.
CRE Addresses Two Crises in Contemporary Urban Education Unsafe Learning Environments CDC survey indicate 9-10% of students regularly miss school because of fear from unsafe learning environments 10% of students drop out of school because of persistent bullying Teacher Attrition 1/3 of new teachers leave in five years 1/2 of new teachers in urban environments leave within 5 years One of main reasons cited is inability to manage chaotic and conflict-ridden classrooms
CRETE Goals (1) To help higher education faculty infuse conflict resolution education into their existing courses for pre- service education and counseling majors. (2) To develop a training program in CRE for delivery to pre-service education and counseling majors outside the higher education course delivery system. (3) To educate school-based teaching and counseling mentors in CRE and its application in classrooms and schools. (4) To evaluate the impact of CRETE on teacher success in classroom management, establishing positive classroom climate, teacher satisfaction, teacher retention.