Texas Transformation Project Teacher Leadership
Objectives You will… Make connections between Teacher Leadership and the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) Make connections between Teacher Leadership and the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) Understand Teacher Leader Roles and Responsibilities Understand Teacher Leader Roles and Responsibilities
Purpose and Outcomes
Critical Success Factors (CSFs)
Improve Academic Performance Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Increase Teacher Quality
Improve School Climate
Increase Leadership Effectiveness
1. Problem Framing 2. Collecting Data 3. Analyzing Data 4. Celebrating and Sharing Increase the Use of Quality Data to Drive Instruction
Increase Parent/Community Involvement
Increase Learning Time
Teacher Leader KWL Fill in the “K” boxes on the KWL chart.
Teacher Leader KWL Fill in the “W” boxes on the KWL chart.
Teacher Leader KWL As we continue the presentation, fill in the “L” boxes on the KWL chart.
Role & Responsibilities of the Teacher Leader
Are NOT…
Are NOT… Supervisors
Are NOT… Evaluators Of Teachers
Evaluators Of Teachers Are NOT
Are NOT… Administrators For Discipline
Are NOT… Administrator For Discipline
Are NOT… Substitutes
Are NOT… Substitutes
Are NOT… Administrative Assistants
Are NOT… Administrative Assistants
Are NOT… Department Chairs
Are NOT… Department Chairs
Are NOT… Program Coordinators
Are NOT… Program Coordinator
Are NOT… ARD Facilitators
Are NOT… ARD Facilitator
Are NOT… Interventionists/ Content Specialists
Are NOT… Interventionist/ Content Specialist
Are NOT… Peer Facilitators
Are NOT… Peer Facilitator
How does this information inform you about teacher leadership on your campus?
Teacher Leader Instructional Leader Are…
Teacher Leader Instructional Leader Are…ClassroomObservers
Teacher Leader Instructional Leader Are…ClassroomObservers Researcher
Teacher Leader Instructional Leader Are…ClassroomObservers ClassroomTeacher Researcher
Are…Facilitator Teacher Leader
Are… Facilitator Small Learning Groups Teacher Leader
Are… Facilitator Small Learning Groups Job Embedded PD Teacher Leader
Are… Leadership Team Member
Are… Teacher Leader Leadership Team Member Participant in TTIPS Training
Are… Teacher Leader Leadership Team Member Participant in TTIPS Training GrantKnowledge
Are… Teacher Leader Leadership Team Member Participant in Training GrantKnowledge
Teacher Leader Are…Facilitator Leadership Team Member Instructional Leader
“A teacher should have maximal authority and minimal power” --Thomas Szasz What does this quote mean?
ProfessionalDiscretion Trustworthiness Interpersonal Skills Communication Skills Influence Innovation Willingness To Learn And Share EmbracingChallengesPositiveAttitude Empathy EffectiveInstruction Evidence of… Maintaining High Standards
What teacher leader responsibility needs to be addressed the most on your campus?
How can the qualities of a teacher leader allow you to address this area more effectively? Effective Instruction Effective Instruction Willingness to Learn Willingness to Learn Embracing Challenges Embracing Challenges Interpersonal Skills Interpersonal Skills Positive Attitude Positive Attitude Influence Influence Innovation Innovation Communication Skills Communication Skills Empathy Empathy Professional Discretion Professional Discretion Trustworthiness Trustworthiness Maintaining High Standards Maintaining High Standards
Read the 10 Commitments of Leadership.
The Five Practices Model the Way Inspire a Shared Vision Challenge the Process Enable Others To Act Encourage the Heart
The Leadership Challenge The Leadership Challenge Kouzes and Posner Work with your table partners to match the Leadership Practice with the 10 commitments.
The Leadership Challenge PracticeCommitments Model the Way1 and 2 Inspire a Shared Vision3 and 4 Challenge the Process5 and 6 Enable Others to Act7 and 8 Encourage the Heart9 and 10
Time Scheduling Awareness Understand the Journey Communication
Approx. 1 hour daily Year One: Teacher Leadership
Approx. 3 hours Daily Year Two: Teacher Leadership
Approx. 5 hours Daily Year Three: Teacher Leadership
How will your schedule support time for classroom observations and collaborative dialogue?
How will your schedule allow teacher leaders to mentor and provide resources to their colleagues?
Trends Patterns Insights Relationships Support
How will your schedule allow teacher leaders to collaborate with one another?
Expanded Focus
Understand the Journey
Year One: Making Connections To Leadership
Year Two: Inquiry in Action
Year Three: Sustaining Meaningful Change
How are you going to communicate and create excitement and support amongst your staff about teacher leadership?
1.Plan and take action on how teacher leadership will be introduced to staff and implemented on campus. 2.Have solid answers for the scheduling questions. 3.Teacher leaders will get into the classrooms to build positive relationships with staff. NEXT STEPS …
Dates to Remember … 1. A.S.A.P. 2. November 2011
Adrienne Aldaco