BACKGROUND TO THE CHANGES Following an independent review in 2012, recommendations for change to the initial teacher training qualifications were made. LSIS was tasked with designing the new qualifications to meet these recommendations: A single qualification at each level. Flexible qualifications that enable a focus on particular learning contexts. Separate qualifications that are not nested. One level 3 knowledge based Award in Education and Training One level 4 knowledge and skills based Certificate in Education and Training. One level 5 knowledge and skills based Diploma in Education and Training with optional specialist pathways which can be used as stand alone CPD Diplomas and have a L3 specialism entry criteria.
THE 6502 QUALIFICATIONS Level 3 Award in Education and Training Available now to existing centres through fast track approval Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training including stand alone specialist Available for delivery from 1st January 2014 Fast track approval for existing centres and the qualification information will be available from 1st December 2013
AWARD, CERTIFICATE AND DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION & TRAINING L3 Award -12 credits Mandatory 3 credits L3 Restricted Optional 9 credits L3 L4 Certificate - 36 credits Mandatory 21 credits L3 & L4 Optional 15 credits L3 & L4 L5 Diploma – 120 credits Mandatory 75 credits L4 & L5 Optional 45 credits L4 & L5 © CITY & GUILDS
WHAT’S NEW? KEY CHANGES Only three units LEVEL 3 AWARD Only three units No requirement for a reflective journal No requirement for a scheme of work LEVEL 4 CERTIFICATE Common unit with level 3 Observations linked to mandatory units All observations must be graded, using the Ofsted guidelines At least one hour of observed practice should demonstrate Grade 2 characteristics Some optional units require additional observations LEVEL 5 DIPLOMA Common unit with level 4 At least four hours of observed practice linked to mandatory units should demonstrate Grade 2 practice Increased credit values for some units i.e. 20 credits All docs on the web by 1st December 2013
STRUCTURE OF THE L3 AWARD IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING -12 CREDITS Understanding the principles and practices of assessment (L&D unit) OR Understanding assessment in education and training 3 credits L3 Mandatory 3 credits Level 3 Optional 9 credits Level 3 AND Roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and training 3 credits L3 Understanding and using inclusive approaches in education and training OR Facilitate learning and development for individuals (L&D unit) OR Facilitate learning and development in groups (L&D unit) All 6 credits L3 Very similar Done some work on Roles and Responsibilities but it’s fundamentally the same The inclusive learning unit combines the 2 existing units so that it makes a 6 credit instead of 2x 3 credit Microteach © CITY & GUILDS
KEY FEATURES OF THE LEVEL 3 AWARD The Level 3 Award in Education and Training is not a teaching qualification - it is an introduction to teaching that will give an insight into the roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and training, how to plan and deliver inclusive teaching/training sessions and how to assess and give constructive and developmental feedback. There are six units to select from – three are Education and Training units and three are Learning and Development units. There is one mandatory unit- unit 301, which is also a mandatory unit in the Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training. This is known as a ‘common unit’. Unit 302 Understanding and using inclusive teaching and learning approaches in education and training carries 6 credits and is essentially a combination of two units from PTLLS. This offers opportunities for centres to consider holistic approaches to delivery.
PROGRESSION ROUTES The qualification allows candidates to progress into employment as teachers/trainers, as well as to the following City & Guilds qualifications: Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training Level 3 and 4 Awards, Certificates and Diplomas in Learning and Development (6318) Level 3 and 4 Awards/Certificates in Assessment and Quality Assurance 6258 Awards in Delivering Training and presentations 6259 Awards/Certificate for Learning Support Practitioners 6255 English for Literacy and Language Teaching/ Mathematics for Numeracy Teaching
STRUCTURE OF THE L4 CERTIFICATE IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING- 36 CREDITS From a range of optional units available at levels 3,4 & 5. Some of these units include additional observation requirements L&D and specialist options available Mandatory 21 credits Level 3 and 4 Optional 15 credits Level 3, 4 and 5 AND 3 credits at Level 3. This is the common unit with Level 3 Award 18 credits at Level 4 A minimum practice requirement of 30 hours teaching 3 assessed observations of teaching, one of which must demonstrate Grade 2 characteristics © CITY & GUILDS
STRUCTURE OF THE L5 DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING - 120 CREDITS From a range of optional units available at levels 4 and 5, some of which may include additional observation requirements L&D and specialist options available Mandatory 75 credits Level 4 and 5 Optional 45 credits Level 4 and 5 AND 20 credits at Level 4. This is the mandatory units from the Level 4 Certificate. 55 credits at Level 5 A minimum practice requirement of 100 hours teaching 8 assessed observations of teaching. Four of these observations must demonstrate Grade 2 characteristics © CITY & GUILDS
LEVEL 5 STAND ALONE DIPLOMA L5 Diploma standalone award English: Literacy Standalone 45 credits L5 English: ESOL Standalone 45 credits L5 Mathematics Standalone 45 credits L5 Disabled Learners Standalone 45 credits L5 Combined Literacy and ESOL 60 credits © CITY & GUILDS
LEVEL 3 REGISTRATION COMPLEXES PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ROUTE ITEM FEES 6502-31 Level 3 Award in Education & Training (E&T Units only) Full Registration £49.50 6502-32 Level 3 Award in Education & Training (E&T, TAQA & L&D units) includes the e-volve test for TAQA £53.50 6502-92 Level 3 Award in Education & Training (E&T, TAQA & L&D units) Unit Results entry Certification £15 to £18 per unit £10.00 6502-93 Level 3 Award in Education & Training (E&T units only)
LEVEL 4 REGISTRATION COMPLEXES PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ROUTE ITEM 6502-41 Level 4 Certificate in Education & Training (E&T Units only) Full Registration 6502- 42 Level 4 Certificate in Education & Training (E&T, TAQA & L&D units) 6502- 94 Unit Results entry Certification 6502 - tbc
LEVEL 5 REGISTRATION COMPLEXES PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ROUTE ITEM 6502-51 Level 5 Diploma in Education & Training (E&T Units only) Full Registration 6502-52 Level 5 Diploma in Education & Training (E&T, TAQA & L&D units) 6502-95 Unit Results entry Certification 6502 - tbc
REGISTRATION COMPLEXES SPECIALIST STANDALONE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ROUTE ITEM 6503-53 Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (including teaching English: ESOL) Full Registration 6503-51 Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (including teaching English: Literacy) 6503-54 Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (including teaching English: Literacy and ESOL) 6503-52 Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (including teaching Mathematics: Numeracy) 6503-55 Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (including teaching Disabled Learners) 6503- tbc Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training stand alone units Unit route Results entry Certification
STAFFING REQUIREMENTS Staff delivering these qualifications must have: A teaching* or training qualification OR Substantial evidence of successful teaching experience in education and/or training. Access to appropriate guidance and support and on-going participation in related programme quality assurance processes. Occupational competence and technical knowledge in education and/or training. Appropriate qualifications and experience when delivering the specialist optional units *This does NOT include qualifications that only provide an introduction to teaching such as the Level 3 Award in Education and Training, or the Level 3 or Level 4 PTLLS Awards
STAFFING REQUIREMENTS Additionally, for the L&D units, staff must: Have up-to-date working knowledge and experience of best practice in L&D. Be occupationally competent in what they are assessing. Hold a recognised assessor qualification. Have evidence of CPD activities Be accepted on the centre approval as a 6502 team member Observers of micro-teaching and practice observations must: Be full members of the centre team, contributing to team and standardisation meetings etc. New team members must: Receive adequate induction, mentoring and monitoring for internal and external quality assurance purposes.
PUBLIC FUNDING – ENGLAND L3 Award will be fully funded for 19 to 23 year olds only for: Unemployed OLASS L4 Certificate will be fully funded for: 19 – 23 year olds as a L3 adult entitlement L4 Certificate will be co-funded for 19 – 23 year olds It is in scope for 24+ Advanced Learning Loans L5 Diplomas will be funded for Higher Apprenticeships © CITY & GUILDS
FE INITIAL TEACHER TRAINING BURSARIES ENTITLEMENTS FOR NON TEACHING/SUPPORT STAFF WITH A DEGREE WHO CURRENTLY WORK IN A COLLEGE OR INDEPENDENT (PRIVATE OR THIRD SECTOR) PROVIDER The government’s ambitions to raise young people’s achievement in English and maths includes new funding conditions from 2014/15 which will reinforce the requirement that, from 2013, students must continue to study English and maths if they did not acquire a grade C or above in those subjects at age 16. To help the FE sector develop the skills needed to deliver on this commitment to young people and to improve the quality of teaching of English and maths more widely across the sector, we have introduced a new Bursary scheme which encourages graduates with relevant degrees to train as specialist teachers of maths, English or SEN.
FE INITIAL TEACHER TRAINING BURSARIES Any member of staff who is working in a college or independent provider who is not employed in a teaching capacity may be eligible for a bursary of up to £20k, so long as they hold a relevant degree; do not hold (or qualify to hold) QTS or QTLS; and are not currently undertaking any paid teaching work. This may include FE staff who are (for example) technicians, learning support assistants; and learning resource assistants. To qualify, a trainee must have a relevant degree with at least grade 2.2 to teach maths; and at least grade 2.1 to teach English, or to support learners with special education needs.
FE INITIAL TEACHER TRAINING BURSARIES Trainees must train to teach through an eligible ITT course at Level 5 or above. These are offered by a number of providers on both a full and part time basis. The bursary will be paid by the course provider whilst the trainee is on the course. Full details of the bursary scheme, including detailed eligibility criteria and levels of payment can be found at: People requiring further information should contact the Education and Training Foundation helpline on 0300 303 1877.
BACKGROUND New opportunity for ‘non NVQ’ centre staff – those who deliver and assess non NVQs could previously not access these qualifications Ideal for all centre types – qualification and e-learning programme is relevant for people carrying out assessments and quality assurance in most learning environments including FE, Adult Continuing Learning, Employers and Third Sector.
INTRODUCING INTRODUCTION City & Guilds’ first end-to-end e-learning programme experience for the Level 3 Award in Understanding the Principles and Practice of Assessment
OVERVIEW AND DEMO VIDEO TAQA e-LEARNING OVERVIEW AND DEMO VIDEO Click in the center of the screen to play the demo video
TAQA E-LEARNING PROGRAMME 1 Get the knowledge 2 Test yourself 3 Study tasks 4 Summary take-away. KEY e-learning Video based Download document e-learning quiz The e-learning resources We have created an engaging, interactive learning experience that allows learners to find out about the principles and practices of assessment. It is designed it to be delivered as a series of short, varied activities, making it easy for learners to dip in and out of the learning. The aim is to allow the learner to access the key learning points quickly and easily – and come back at any time to refresh their memory. The course utilises three key delivery methods – these are detailed below. 1. Get the knowledge The knowledge-based topics explain the key theories, principles and best-practice rules of assessment. The information is not just presented – a mix of presentation screens, questions, examples and interactions are used to keep the learner engaged. 2. Test yourself Through the course learners will work through formative assessments presented as on-screen quizzes. This formative assessment of each learner’s progress will support progress, monitor their development and indicate when summative assessment is appropriate. 3. Study tasks As well as providing interactive e-learning elements, there are a number of independent Study tasks within the course. These ask the learner to carry out their own web-based research, or complete an activity such as watching a video or even to complete offline activities. These Study tasks will involve researching the specifics of assessments for their own industry as well as the qualifications they will be assessing. 4. Summary to take-away For each section, a summary of the key learning points has been provided which the learner can print out and take away.
TAILORED LEARNING PROGRAMMES DELIVERY ASSESSMENT Solution BENEFITS Face-to-face Centre assessed Traditional delivery Tried and trusted f2f & eTAQA Centre assessed or e- volve Blended Reduce f2f time and differentiate your offer eTAQA e-volve Complete online course and qualification Cut significant costs / get more staff trained Centres can create bespoke learning programmes mixing face-to-face with digital delivery and assessment. Using e-volve assessment enables the full end-to-end digital experience We will be developing bundles options to combine eTAQA and quals. RRP for TAQA e-learning = £49 per learner, discounts available for multiple learners
EMBEDDING TAQA e-LEARNING SUPPORTING SPECIALIST TEACHING TEACHING & TRAINING QUALITY ASSURANCE LEVEL 5 Education and Training (6502) DTLLS (6305) Education and Training (6502) from Jan 2014 LEVEL 4 PTLLS (6302) CTLLS (6304) Learning and Development (6318) Assessment and Quality Assurance (6317) LEVEL 3 Education and Training (6502) from Sept 2013 The TAQA e-learning programme covers learning for the stand-alone qualification or the optional unit within any of the above qualifications. It can also acts as great CPD or refresher for existing staff FAST TRACK APPROVAL for current centres
KEY BENEFITS TAQA e-LEARNING All the tools you need to plan and deliver TAQA programmes with confidence Bring your teaching to life with more interactive and engaging classes Guide your learners through individualised e-learning that can be accessed in or away from the classroom Even allow learners to work independently without face to face engagement by providing a complete end-to-end online course Significantly reduce the cost of your delivery and train more staff for less Any-time, any-where training for new or existing staff 'I would recommend the e-learning programme and evolve test to any centre .....’ Julie Cape, Quality Manager
City & Guilds Advance is designed to raise standards City & Guilds Advance is designed to raise standards. We provide consultancy, training and events to help colleges and training providers with Quality Improvement Improving teaching, learning & Assessment Curriculum review, planning, change management & implementation Curriculum effectiveness using ILM Through City & Guilds we can provide you access to some of the best Education consultants in the sector. The Advance consultants can work with you to really understand what your organisational needs are and to become a critical friend throughout the journey. For more information: Visit: Call: 0800 334 5054 Email:
HOW TO PURCHASE AND ACCESS THE E-LEARNING The TAQA e-learning programme can be purchased directly by contacting a member of the Direct Sales team on; T: 0844 543 0000 option 5 E: 2. How to access The TAQA e-learning programme is delivered on the new SmartScreen platform. AVAILABLE FOR ALL CENTRES: DECEMBER 2013
NEW TEXTBOOKS This new Level 3 Education and Training textbook from City & Guilds is the perfect accompaniment to the 6502 Level 3 Award in Education and Training. With the content mapped directly to the qualification, this book is designed to help you to link the teaching theory to your assignments. It offers practical guidance and background knowledge to the key topic areas and provides further opportunities to develop your knowledge through detailed reading lists. This textbook includes learning features that will be useful every day, such as: • example schemes of work • lesson plans • explanations of difficult terms • learner activities • handy hints • real life teaching scenarios. This fun, engaging book is a must-have for any learner looking for a guide to help them through their assignments for their Level 3 Award in Education and Training, as well as a reference point throughout their teaching career. Amanda Turner is a course director for the teacher training programmes at the College of West Anglia in Norfolk. She has a Masters in Education, a PGCE, and holds QTLS status. She has held management roles, is part of the college quality team and presented at conferences both locally and nationally. Joanne Whiting is a course manager, lead IV and teacher trainer at Eastleigh College in Hampshire. She also delivers the PGCE course for the University of Portsmouth. She has an Honours degree in Education and has worked as an advanced practitioner, college observer and has been part of the quality standardisation team. © CITY & GUILDS
NEW 6258 QUALIFICATIONS IN TRAINING AND PRESENTATIONS Level 3 Award in the Principles of Planning a Training Session (2 credits) 6258-32) Planning a Training Session (2 credits) Level 3 Award in Planning and Delivering a Training Session (4 credits) (6258-33) Principles of planning a training Session (2 credits) Delivering a training session City & Guilds have developed a new suite of introductory and CPD qualifications (6258) to support those entering, or already in, a teaching or training role. The qualifications will support progression into, and from, both the Initial Teacher Training Qualifications and the Learning and Development Qualifications. The qualifications are designed to support progression from helping individuals gain basic knowledge about what goes into designing a training session to making presentations to senior staff under challenge. These small QCF qualifications also allow the achievement of knowledge only, before moving into practice and replace the 7300 programme where delivering training is part of a job role. Level 3 Award in Principles of teaching, training and assessment (9 credits) (6258-34) Planning a training Session (2 credits) Principles of teaching training and assessment (3 credits) Delivering different teaching and training methods (4 credits)
NEW 6258 QUALIFICATIONS IN TRAINING AND PRESENTATIONS Level 3 Award in Planning and delivering presentations (3 credits) (6258-35) Planning and delivering presentations (3 credits) Level 4 Award in Planning and delivering presentations to challenging audiences (3 credits) (6258-40) Planning and delivering presentations to challenging audiences (3 credits)
LATEST NEWS TAQA – e-learning Text book – Level 3 Award in Education and Training New Assessments – Understanding the Principles and Practices of Assessment New Qualifications – Level 3 and 4 Awards in Delivering Learning New Events – Top Tips, RPL…….Observations coming soon.
OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION Website 6502 Legacy Tariff – shows where the new qualification suite sits relevant to previous qualifications Recognition of Prior Learning – an effective policy needs to be in place Education and Training Foundation activities Student Loans Company LSIS has produced guidance for employers and providers of initial teacher education which introduce and outline the new teaching qualifications. the guidance for employers and practitioners, explaining the new qualifications; a presentation explaining the new qualifications; Guidance for providers of initial teacher education, explaining how the new qualifications differ from the 2007 and 2011 qualifications; and a comparison table, summarising the key features of the 2007, 2011 and 2013 qualifications The documentation is available on the LSIS website: LSIS plans cessation of its delivery of improvement services © CITY & GUILDS