Monica Madden October 25, 2013
Superintendent has taken cuts as well. Because of the charter amendment, Supt. office has seen a 25% cut. There will be a pay increase next year (1-2%) because it was an election year. (Superintendent is running for Governor…He needs our vote!) The state has not changed the amount of funds it pays of employee benefits. If insurance premiums are going up, it is an individualized district issue. The State will NO LONGER pay for insurance for noncertified employees.
TKES evaluation should NOT be punitive and should look at GROWTH. Growth as a teacher should be looked upon also with the growth of his/her students in comparison with other students with the same characteristics. Administrators have to be credentialed to evaluate. Administrators need to be effectively trained (continuing to work on evaluator validity).
Evaluation process should be transparent (there are NO secrets with this process). Evaluation process should be communicated as a growth tool. If it is not being communicated, the Superintendent will look into it. Superintendent understands that the leadership in the building is a major reason behind some problems.
PARCC is gone, but there will be another PARCC like assessment. Continue to access PARCC items in order to prepare our students for the type of test they will take. Rigor MUST be increased because the test expectations have changed. Districts must have a plan in place for full online assessments. GA is staying with Common Core (need consistency) Vertical alignment for the CRCT and EOCT. Many students pass the 8 th grade CRCT but lack prerequisites skills to pass the EOCT….How is that possible?
State Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) has been available for 2 years. (Surprised that more teachers were not aware of the SLDS). Great teacher resource, can track test scores for the last 7 years (can see the domains and standards). Schools receive extra credit on CCRPI when accessing it. Superintendent can see what you are looking at and accessing on this site.
7 million dollars is available this year for technology. Money will be made available in the form of a grant Districts will have to apply for it. (Grants can be accessed online through the DOE website.) 100 megs of internet will be given to every system by July 2015.