- In brief
Class teachers are qualified to teach all subjects in years 1-6 Class teachers’ basic requirement is a Master’s degree (300 ECT) majoring in education sciences (one credit=27 hours of ‘work’) Subject teachers work with classes 7-9 of basic education, in upper secondary level and in vocational education Subject teachers conclude their Master’s degree with ECTS credits In addition to studies in major and minor subjects, subject teacher qualifications comprise pedagogical studies of at least 60 ECTS credits, including teaching practice.
Academic disciplines Research Studies consisting of methodological studies including a BA thesis and an MA thesis Pedagogical studies: obligatory for all teachers and include teaching practice Communication, language and ICT studies A personal study plan Optional studies
Teacher Training Schools in Finland
Every university organizing teacher education has a teacher training school. There are 13 teacher training schools, which are administratively part of the faculties of education. The quality of supervision in teacher training schools is considered to be as particularly high. The functional connection between teacher training schools, departments of education and other university departments Applying educational and didactic theory and know-how in practice Evaluation of teaching practice and supervision Schools’ operations are governed and financed by the Ministry of Education.
Theoretical aspects integrate with practice during the studies at all stages. In teaching practice there are four participants whose interaction with each other plays an important role ◦ student teacher him/herself ◦ peer student teachers ◦ supervisor from the university (university lecturer) ◦ supervisor at the school where teaching practice takes place The aim of the dialogue between these participants is to help the student teacher ◦ to conceptualize, ◦ to develop ones meta-cognitive skills and ◦ to apply theory in practice.
MA 300 ects MA 300 ectsStudies Training periods in Teacher Training School & other schools 25 ects School & other schools 25 ects Bachelor degree 180 ects Practicum I 5 ects Practicum II 5 ects Orientation practice Minor practice Master degree 120 ects Practicum III 6 ects Final 9 ects Field practice Major practice
Subject teacher MA ects MA ects Subject studies Educational studies Subjectdepartment(s) 240 ects Department of Teacher Education 40 ects Teacher Training School & other schools 20 ects Major Subjects 180 ects Minor subjects ects General Studies Didactics/PedagogySeminarsResearch Orientation practice Minor practice Major practice
(Ministry of Education) (National Board of Education) (University of Turku) (Turku Teacher Training School)