EFFECTIVE PARENT- TEACHER CONFERENCES Educational Service Center, North Parent and Community Engagement
Objectives 1. Review the purposes of parent/teacher conferences and getting started 2. Identify and use effective communication skills during parent/teacher conferences 3. Develop strategies to prepare for parent/teacher strategies 4. Discuss parent involvement strategies
Parents have the right to… review records, take time off for school-related matters, and talk with your child’s teacher.
Purpose of Parent-Teacher Conference What: The conference is a meeting between you and your child’s teacher. When: Your child’s teacher will contact you to set up a meeting time, or you can contact your child’s teacher to request a conference. Why: The conference gives you a chance to communicate with your child’s teacher
Getting Started What if I work during the day? Let the teacher know you can only go to conferences in the evening or before the school day starts. Parents do have a legal right to take time off from work to attend school meetings and or activities. What if I don’t speak English? You have the right to have an interpreter attend the conference. You can also bring a friend or relative to interpret. It is important that your child does not translate for you. What will we talk about? Your child’s teacher will probably talk about your child’s grades, classwork, homework, behavior, and classroom and teacher expectations.
Getting Started (Cont) What will I learn? You will learn more about your child’s classes, and find out if your child is having any problems, and if the teacher has specific concerns. What will the teacher ask me? Teachers like to learn about students from their parents. No one knows your child better than you do. You can help the teacher by talking about: What your child likes to do Events that may affect your child (such as a new baby, divorce or death) Special medical or learning needs. Areas of strengths and weaknesses. Your child’s individual temperament.
10 Suggestions to Improve Listening Skills Stop talking – be an active listener Concentrate on the speaker Put the other person at ease Remove distractions Be patient Hold your temper Do not argue; reserve your criticism Make eye contact Ask questions Use “I” statements I feel … When… I prefer…
Active Listening… tends to be more difficult than what most people realize requires the listener to focus on the speaker in order to understand the speaker’s message requires the listener to avoid judgments and direct his/her energy to listening attentively
LISTEN to what teachers have to say.
In other words… DoDon’t *Use active listening skills*Yell *Remain calm*Use profanity *Write a thank-you note *Threaten anyone that reflects the outcome*Throw tantrums of the meeting *Blame
Before the Conference Ask your child if there is anything that he would like you to discuss with his teacher. Tell your child that you and the teacher are meeting to help him/her do his/her best in school. Make a list of topics that you want to talk about with the teacher. Prepare a list of questions such as: 1. What are my child’s strongest and weakest subjects? 2. Does my child hand in homework on time? 3. Does my child participate in class? 4. Does my child seem happy at school? 5. Does my child get along with others? 6. What can I do at home to help?
Additional Questions to Ask the Teacher At what level is my child performing on the CST (English Language Arts/ Math)? Who is my child’s counselor and when does he/she meet with my child? (Secondary schools) What supports are given to struggling students- academically and socially? Did our school make its API goals? What is the level of performance of our school? Did all of our school’s subgroups make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)?
During the Conference Be on time (or early) for the meeting. End the meeting on time. Other parents will probably have a conference scheduled after yours. Relax and be yourself. Ask the most important questions first. If your child receives special services such as English Learner classes, Special Education classes, an IEP or a 504 Plan, ask about your child’s progress in those classes or services.
During the Conference CON’T. Ask for explanations of anything you don’t understand. Ask your child’s teacher for ways that you can help your child at home. Thank the teacher.
After the Conference Talk about the conference with your child. Talk about the positive points, and be direct about the problems and concerns. Tell your child about any plans you and the teacher created. Keep in touch with the teacher throughout the school year.
Parent Involvement Begins at Home Help your child develop routines Have regular homework or reading time. Make sure your child has a regular bedtime that allows for plenty of rest. Give your child age-appropriate chores. Make sure your child has a nutritious breakfast every morning.
Parent Involvement Begins at Home Create a study environment in your home Do not allow the TV to be on while your child is doing homework. Ensure that a study area has paper, pencils, pens, erasers, a dictionary, and other materials your child may use to do schoolwork. Check your child’s homework when it is finished.
Help Your Child Succeed in School Find reasons to praise your child every day. Help your child focus on his or her strengths Let your child know that he or she is a valuable, capable person and that you know he or she can succeed. Have high expectations for learning and behavior, at home and at school. When you expect the best, your child will rise to those expectations. Be a good role model and ensure homework gets done before playtime.
In Summary If school is important to you, it will be important to your child. Set high expectations for your child and support your child in meeting those expectations. Stay aware of your child’s social life, activities, and schoolwork. You, your child, and the school will benefit from your continued support.
Thank you!