English Language Arts Spring – Phase 2.  Common Core State Standards Initiative ◦ State-led ◦ College and Career Ready ◦ Adopted in 2010 by California.


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Presentation transcript:

English Language Arts Spring – Phase 2

 Common Core State Standards Initiative ◦ State-led ◦ College and Career Ready ◦ Adopted in 2010 by California ◦ Research based  Next Generation Assessments ◦ Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) ◦  Overview of English Language Arts ◦ Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, Language ◦ Anchor standards match grade specific standards

 Every K-5 LBUSD classroom teacher will ◦ Be able to explain the 3 Common Core Instructional Shifts for English Language Arts ◦ Bring more informational text into English Language Arts ◦ Ask text-dependent questions

English Language Arts/Literacy

#1 Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction and informational text ◦ 80% of required reading in college and the workplace is informational or non-fiction ◦ Harder for students to comprehend ◦ Students are asked to read very little informational texts in lower grades ◦ Common Core calls for 50% Narrative and 50% Informational at K-5

#2 Reading and writing grounded in evidence from text ◦ Most college and workplace writing is evidence based ◦ Reunite reading and writing ◦ Students should write about what they read, moving away from decontextualized prompts ◦ Text should be at the center of learning ◦ Students need to be able to “read like a detective and write like a reporter”

#3 Regular practice with complex text and its academic vocabulary ◦ Complexity in text at K-12 has eroded  Length of sentences in K-8 textbooks have gone from  Vocabulary demands have declined ◦ Complexity of college and career text has remained steady or increased ◦ What is complex text?  Author’s tone, word choice, and intent is highly sophisticated  Unconventional text structures

I. Foundational Skills II. Read Aloud K-2 III. Fluency IV. Academic Language V. Learning from Text Independently VI. Word Study VII. Volume of Student Reading VIII. Evidence-Based Writing IX. Close Analytical Reading

 Brainstorm the classroom practices, resources, and challenges/opportunities for grades 2-3 for your shift  Share out

 Where do we find it? ◦ Social Studies Text ◦ Science Text ◦ Health Text ◦ Read Alouds ◦ Open Court Leveled Classroom Libraries ◦ Teacher collections ◦ Instructional leveled books ◦ Other?

 Read the handout on text-dependent questions  What are text dependent questions?  Why are text dependent questions important?  What do answering text dependent questions lead to?

 Read the questions from Lesson 2, “Electric Circuits” found in the margins of the Grade 4 Science Teacher’s Edition  Determine if these questions can only be answered by referring explicitly back to the text in front of them  Which of the questions are text dependent?

 What in the text makes you say that?  Where did you find your answer?  Can anyone find the sentence that tells us that and reread it for the class?  Is that correct? Let’s look back and see if we can find where it tells us that.  Reread page ___ to find the answer.  Prove it

 Using your science or social studies TE: ◦ Select a lesson you will be teaching ◦ Go through the questions in the margin to determine whether or not they are text dependent ◦ Create additional text dependent questions to go with that portion of the text ◦ Practice following up the question with ways to get students back into the text

Questions Comments Concerns

 Every K-5 LBUSD classroom teacher will ◦ Be able to explain the 3 Common Core Instructional Shifts for English Language Arts ◦ Bring more informational text into English Language Arts ◦ Ask text-dependent questions