HAMK University of Applied Sciences Professional Teacher Education Unit (PTEU) Ms Leena Nikander Director of Education, D.Ed.
The education system of Finland 2
Teacher training in Finland Teacher training is provided by both traditional universities (8) and universities of applied sciences (5) They both grant the same formal qualification which is needed both in general and vocational schools Teaching staff Teachers of comprehensive schools (grades 1-6) Teachers of core subjects (grades 7-9 and high schools) Teachers of vocational subjects (UAS, VET, adult institutions) Teachers providing special needs education Guidance counsellors
Teachers in Finland 1/2 Teaching profession is very popular and universities can select the most motivated and talented applicants Teachers are highly qualifed and committed They require Master´s degrees in general schools and in vocational schools (among VET teachers also the highest possible qualification is available if there is no master´s degree) The consept of learning is learner oriented, special needs education is offered when needed, personal development is supported for instance highly gifted students
Quick Facts of PTEU Established in 1959 The number of staff is about 90, the number of teachers is 42 38 % of PTEU´s senior lecturer´s hold a doctorate or licentiate degrees There is 360 study places Total number of applicants in 2012 was 1070 Educates about 900 professionals every year The biggest such unit in Finland (5 together)
Professional teacher education The professional teacher education is legislated by Finnish law (356/2003). According to this law the aim of teacher education is: to give knowledge and skills to guide the learning of different kinds of students; the ability to develop own teaching competencies by updating their professional know-how and by recognising the future trends and developments in the employment sector
Prerequisites of applicants Bachelor’s degree at the minimum, plus Three to five years of relevant work experience depending on the professional field Students represent organisations from such fields as high technology and engineering, social sciences, communications, and business and industry
The professional teacher education consists of the following elements Basic studies in educational sciences (13 ECTS) Pedagogical studies (26 ECTS) Practical teacher training (15 ECTS) Development work (6 ECTS) The total extent of studies is 60 ECTS 8
Competence areas The Study programme follows competence-based curriculum, which includes four competence areas: Learning Community Competence, Guidance of Learning Competence, Operational Environment Competence and Development Competence.
Study units The competence areas form content-wise coherent modules, except the development competence, which will be integrated in each three modules. The studies in the modules will be planned and implemented according to specific pedagogical principles. The learning outcomes of the programme are equivalent to NQF (National Qualifications Framework) level 7.
The mode of study Multiform education: A contact days will be required Utilazing versatile e-learning environments A contact days will be required Amount of contact days depends on tuition Multiform Webbased Studies can be taken either 1-2 years
The pedagogical principles Integrative pedagogy of work and learning (by Tynjälä) Dialogical learning/ Learning through Dialogue (by Aarnio) Collaborative learning in authentic learning environments Inquiry based learning (by Hakkarainen & al.)
Student guidance and counseling Teacher students are provided with comprehensive guidance and counselling and support for learning: Tutor lecturers Peer students and small groups Supervising teachers Student counsellor
The Tutor Lecturer Tutor lecturers are responsible for the overall learning process: They guide and assess the teacher student’s development and professional growth according to the pre-determined competence areas with corresponding study units
The Peer Student The closest partner of the teacher student is either a peer student or a small group The purpose of the peer tutor or small group is to support and help the teacher student colleague in the progress of studies and in the learning assignments during the entire teacher education programme
The Supervising teacher At the beginning of the programme, the teacher students decide where they will conduct their practical teacher training they enter into a cooperation agreement with the educational institution/organisation and supervising teacher. The supervising teacher participates in the guidance and assessment of practical teacher training together with the tutor lecturer
Learning assessment Learning assessment is based on: the learning outcomes and assessment objects and criteria of the competence areas and corresponding learning outcomes and assessment objects and criteria of the study unit On the basis of individual choices and decisions, competence can be demonstrated by competence areas or study unit-specifically.
Learning assessment Learning assignments range from individual assignments to small group assignments and they may be: plans, reports, group discussions, group exams, development projects, different reflections and assessments, or assignments requiring practical demonstrations.
QUALITY ASSURANCE Evaluate target VE08B 21 VE09A PM09 102 YM10 20 PM10 109 Teaching and learning 4,2 4,3 3,9 4,0 Guidance of 4,4 4,5 4,1 Pedagogical studies 4 - Vocational pedagogy 3,7 Teaching practice Thesis 3,3 Average TABLE 1. The results of Student Feedback System (Graduation Evaluation Questionnaire, scale 1-5) VE08B = two year web-based-group VE09A= one year, web-based-group, PM09 ja PM10= 1.5 year multiform-group, YM10=one year multifrom group, who have completed pedagogical studies prior to the start of the programme
The teacher students can progress as educators at higher education institutions, at vocational colleges, in institutions geared towards adult education and training, in public sector organisations, in human resources management, (as well as) in business and industry.
Special needs teacher education programme with vocational emphasis is continuing teacher education (60 credits) with the following emphasis: * special education pedagogy (12 credits) * vocational pedagogy (28 credits) * teacher training (12 credits) * development project (8 credits)
Guidance Counsellor Education with vocational emphasis is continuing teacher education (60 credits) with the following emphasis: * basic pedagogical studies and guidance (18 credits) * vocational guidance (12 credits) * practical training (20 credits) * development project (10 credits)
Useful links http://www.hamk.fi HAMK University of Applied Sciences http://www.oph.fi The Finnish National Board of Education http://www.minedu.fi Ministry of Education and Culture 25