A SHIFT IN FOCUS: FROM TEACHER TRAINING TO TEACHER SUPPORT AND DEVELOPMENT Research results developed by SC – BEwG Learning Forum – Ottawa Feb 28 th, 2012
Content The context: EdGI (video) Survey results Objectives of the Research Method Findings state of the art literature review SC approaches Conclusions and recommendations
Teachers support and development – Survey results As a result of the survey monkey that was done at Save the Children’s country offices, it was found that: –pre-service and in-service teacher training/ development = primary area of work for SC to improve quality education. –one of the top areas in which input was requested in the survey was the section on teacher capacity development.
Teachers support and development research Objectives. 1. Analyse SC’s teacher support and development interventions around the world and how they improve learning environments and learning outcomes. 2. Analyse strengths and weakness in comparison to state of the art teacher support and development approaches 3. Make recommendations for future programming.
Teachers support and development research Method. 1. Collect documentation from SC countries (30) and members on the topic, compile and review. 2. Rapid literature review of State of the Art teacher support and development approaches. 3. Interviews with 9 selected SC country office representatives. 4. Review draft reports with BEwG. 5. Sharing results.
Teacher support and development research Findings of the State of the Art Lit Review. The 2010 EFA Global Monitoring Report - “educational quality is largely obtained through pedagogical processes in the classroom.” This Report concludes – “school-based training, supported by distance learning materials, school clusters and local support agents are the best ways to close the gap between theory and practice, and to raise the quality of teaching and learning in low income countries.”
Teachers support and development research cont. findings of the State of the Art Lit Review. Professional learning can have a powerful effect on teacher pedagogy, on knowledge and on students’ learning IF: 1. the learning is maintained over time 2. it focuses on teaching the content 3. it is incorporated in the classroom through the use of evidence/practice. - “Evidence: average of 49 hours of training over 6-12 months boosted student achievement by 21%”
Teachers support and development research cont. findings of the State of the Art Lit Review. High performing education systems provide continuous professional development through: –Teacher collaboration opportunities –Clear profile of expectations of teachers and consequent professional development plans –Opportunities to integrate theory and practice –Opportunities to review impacts
Teachers support and development research cont. findings of the State of the Art Lit Review. To assess student progress, teachers should not only provide efficient standardised testing, but they should also be trained in: 1. systematic analysis of student work. 2. classroom observation 3. interviews with students
Teachers support and development research cont. findings of the State of the Art Lit Review. 1. Teacher trainers and school inspectors need to be capable in varied methodologies. 2. Too often, trainers (pre-service and in-service) use lecture based approaches rather than modelling the kind of classroom practice they are preaching. 3. Too often, school inspectors are not confident enough to assess and advise on classroom practice standards.
Teachers support and development research cont. findings of the State of the Art Lit Review. 1. In low income countries, very little research evidence can be found in the impact of modes/systems of continuing professional development in fields such as learning and cost effectiveness. 2. More experimental research is needed using a control- group to build a more robust evidence base about the most effective approaches to deal with the relationship between teacher development and their cost effectiveness in environments with poor resources. 3. Conclusions about ‘best practice’ are mainly extrapolations from innovative programs.
What are the main approaches used by SC to strengthen teachers support and development? 1.Since 2008, in line with international research, SC is moving away from short term workshops and cascade training and going towards on-going support for teachers in order to improve generic pedagogic approaches with a focused content. i.e. “Expresion Viva” Methodology on literacy and numeracy in Colombia 2.In many of the countries reviewed, teacher development at school and school cluster level has been adopted as the most effective way of providing training to teachers. i.e. “Circles of Quality” in Colombia
How is SC measuring the effectiveness of its teacher support and development programs? Since 2008, SC has been working more strategically across countries to evaluate the impact of learning outcomes and in- classroom processes using control-group studies. Significant evaluations referenced are: REWRITE THE FUTURE (Angola, Afghanistan, Nepal and South Soudan) IN-SERVICE TEACHER TRAINING IN SC EDUCATION PROGRAMS (17 countries) QUALITY EDUCATION PROGRAM (Ethiopia, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique) LITERACY BOOST (Malawi)
Focus of each Evaluation Rewrite the future: Good model for future programming. Results allow SC to support the provision of quality education programs including teacher’s support in countries affected by conflict and fragile states. In-service teacher training Describes structures and outcomes of teaching methods, curriculum development, classroom management and working with parents across 17 countries.
Focus of each Evaluation Quality education program: - Recognizes the role that teacher educators, advisers, inspectors and teacher mentors play in improving quality of education. - Focuses on training teachers/ teacher educators to become reflective of their own teaching and to improve the quality of their teaching and learning. Literacy boost in Malawi Of the 24 schools evaluated, 12 are a control group. Model is effective: teachers are trained through learning, enacting, assessing and reflecting.
Conclusions and recommendations Developing the capacity of all those charged with organising and providing school-based training should be a major priority for country programs. Thus, SC should have a longer term of continuous professional development (CPD) to systematically update key competences that teachers require in order to increase their repertoire in the classroom.
Cont. - Conclusions and recommendations –More rigorous monitoring and evaluation systems should be put in place at global, regional and country levels to identify the most promising strategies that will allow SC’s to achieve strategic goals for basic education. –Controlled experimental studies should be proposed at SC in order to evaluate the effectiveness of different kinds of program, and especially: The impact of each program on classroom pedagogy The impact of each program on learning outcomes Cost effectiveness of each –The Rewrite the Future, Quality Education Program and Literacy Boost initiatives provide good models for how SC can work strategically at the global, regional and country level in its teacher support and development work.
Thank you !