Zoologischer Garten Berlin The Berlin Zoological Garden (German: Zoologischer Garten Berlin) is the oldest and best known zoo in Germany. Opened in 1844 it covers 34 hectares (84 acres) and is located in Berlin's Tiergarten. With about 1,500 different species and almost 20,500 animals the zoo presents the most comprehensive collection of species in the world. The zoo and its aquarium had more than 3 million visitors in 2013. It is considered to be the most visited zoo in Europe and one of the most popular worldwide. Regular animal feedings are among its most famous attractions. Globally known animals like Knut, the polar bear, and Bao Bao, the Giant Panda have contributed to the zoo's public image.
Order of Events Practice vocab. Learn definite articles accusative Pg. 114-117. Indefinite articles in the nominative and accusative. Do wkbk Pg. 49 #2
Objective Students will be able to describe definite articles.
Definite Articles Masculine Feminine Neuter Plural Nominative (subject) wer = who der die das Accusative (direct object) wen= whom den
Definite Articles S. V. Der Kuli ist blau. - The pen is blue. S. V. D. O. Ich kaufe den Kuli. - I am buying the pen. The subject of the sentence creates the action the direct object (D.O.) receive the action.
Indefinite Articles Indefinite articles mean – a, an Masculine Feminine Neuter Plural Nominative (subject) wer ein eine keine Accusative (Direct Object) wen einen Indefinite articles mean – a, an
Indefinite Articles S. V. Ein Kuli ist blau. – A pen is blue S. V. D. O. Ich kaufe einen Kuli. - I am buying a pen. The subject of the sentence creates the action the direct object (D.O.) receive the action.