The use of ICT in the Teaching and Learning of EFL/ESL Lecturer: MIGUEL ÁNGEL MILÁN Teacher Trainer at the Faculty of Education of Albacete - University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) Language and European programmes Advisor at Centro de Profesores de Almansa (Albacete, Spain)
The use of ICT in the Teaching & Learning of EFL/ESL Lecturer: MIGUEL ÁNGEL MILÁN AIMS To reflect on some of the latest methodologies of EFL/ESL. To promote the use of ICT as teaching and learning tools to empower motivation, participation, cooperation and integration of students in EFL/ESL. To know educational resources on the Net and software to create activities for our classes in Infant, Primary and Secondary levels. To be familiar with self-evaluation tools online for students and teachers of EFL/ESL.
The use of ICT in the Teaching & Learning of EFL/ESL Lecturer: MIGUEL ÁNGEL MILÁN CONTENTS Latest contributions to the Teaching and Learning of Foreign Languages: Collaborative Learning, CLIL, CALL, E-Learning, B-Learning. Educational resources on the Net for Infant, Primary and Secondary levels. Software for the creation of resources and material: Jclic, Hot Potatoes, Neobook, Malted, Cuadernia. Online Tools: Moodle, Joomla, eTwinning, Blog, Wiki, Youtube, Delicious. Self-Evaluation Tools: ELP, DIALANG.
The use of ICT in the Teaching & Learning of EFL/ESL Lecturer: MIGUEL ÁNGEL MILÁN INTRODUCTION (I) The use of ICT in the classroom is an extremely important and powerful resource for the teaching and learning of foreign languages. The Internet offers great teaching and learning opportunities as an educational tool to be used in our classes of foreign languages, and combined with more traditional methodologies, promotes much more effective and meaningful learning. There are many resources and materials on the Net for teachers and learners of foreign languages, but the selection of these resources and materials has to be taken into account.
The use of ICT in the Teaching & Learning of EFL/ESL Lecturer: MIGUEL ÁNGEL MILÁN INTRODUCTION (II) Teachers can also create their own materials, which can be adapted and contextualised to the needs of their students. Online educational tools offer a new methodological conception for the teaching and learning of foreign languages, as the concepts of time and space vary. ICT reinforce the teaching-learning process, but it also promotes self-evaluation and self-study via online tools.
The use of ICT in the Teaching & Learning of EFL/ESL Lecturer: MIGUEL ÁNGEL MILÁN 1. Latest contributions to the Teaching and Learning of Foreign Languages: Collaborative Learning, CLIL, CALL, E-Learning, B-Learning Collaborative Learning is a situation in which two or more people learn or attempt to learn something together. It refers to methodologies and environments in which learners engage in a common task where each individual depends on and is accountable to each other. Collaborative learning is heavily rooted in Vygotsky’s views. We have Collaborative Learning when groups of students work together to search for understanding, meaning, or solutions or to create a product of their learning. Examples of activities are: collaborative writing, group projects, joint problem solving, debates, study teams, etc.
The use of ICT in the Teaching & Learning of EFL/ESL Lecturer: MIGUEL ÁNGEL MILÁN 1. Latest contributions to the Teaching and Learning of Foreign Languages: Collaborative Learning, CLIL, CALL, E-Learning, B-Learning CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning It refers to situations where subjects, or parts of subjects, are taught through a foreign language with dual-focussed aims, namely the learning of content, and the simultaneous learning of a foreign language. (Marsh, 1994) This approach involves learning subjects such as history, geography or others, through an additional language. It can be very successful in enhancing the learning of languages and other subjects, and developing in the youngsters a positive ‘can do’ attitude towards themselves as language learners. (Marsh, 2000)
The use of ICT in the Teaching & Learning of EFL/ESL Lecturer: MIGUEL ÁNGEL MILÁN 1. Latest contributions to the Teaching and Learning of Foreign Languages: Collaborative Learning, CLIL, CALL, E-Learning, B-Learning CALL: Computer-Assisted Language Learning is a form of computer-based learning which carries two important features: bidirectional learning and individualized learning. It is not a method. CALL materials are tools for learning. The focus of CALL is learning, and not teaching. CALL materials are used in teaching to facilitate the language learning process. It is a student-centered accelerated learning material, which promotes self-paced accelerated learning.
The use of ICT in the Teaching & Learning of EFL/ESL Lecturer: MIGUEL ÁNGEL MILÁN 1. Latest contributions to the Teaching and Learning of Foreign Languages: Collaborative Learning, CLIL, CALL, E-Learning, B-Learning eLearning is a term that encompasses all forms of Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) or very specific types of TEL such as online or Web-based learning. It is used to define a specific mode to attend a course or program of study where the students rarely or never meet face-to-face, nor access on-campus educational facilities, because they study online.
The use of ICT in the Teaching & Learning of EFL/ESL Lecturer: MIGUEL ÁNGEL MILÁN 1. Latest contributions to the Teaching and Learning of Foreign Languages: Collaborative Learning, CLIL, CALL, E-Learning, B-Learning B-Learning (Blended Learning) A blended learning approach can combine face-to-face instruction with computer-mediated instruction, under the supervision and support of the teacher inside and outside the classroom. A typical example of blended learning methodology would be a combination of technology-based materials and face-to-face sessions to present content. Learners and teachers work together to improve the quality of learning and teaching, the ultimate aim of blended learning being to provide realistic practical opportunities for learners and teachers to make learning independent, useful, sustainable and ever growing.
E-Learning, B-Learning The use of ICT in the Teaching & Learning of EFL/ESL Lecturer: MIGUEL ÁNGEL MILÁN Infoglut: Information overload E-Learning, B-Learning Infobable: the information presented is not useful Infosprawl: the Information presented is not organised
The use of ICT in the Teaching & Learning of EFL/ESL Lecturer: MIGUEL ÁNGEL MILÁN 2. Educational resources on the Net for Infant, Primary and Secondary levels Over 1,500 flashcard images, hundreds of worksheets, crafts, games, jobs and lots more. ESL stuff for kids including flashcards, worksheets, classroom games and children's song lyrics. Free resources for teachers of young learners: flashcards, worksheets, handouts, phonics cards, ESL games, printable certificates, printable stickers and activities all ready for printing.
The use of ICT in the Teaching & Learning of EFL/ESL Lecturer: MIGUEL ÁNGEL MILÁN 2. Educational resources on the Net for Infant, Primary and Secondary levels LearnEnglish-Kids is for children who are learning English. Find games, songs, stories and lots of activities. British Council A fun study site for learners of English as a Second Language. Word games, puzzles, quizzes, exercises, slang, proverbs and much more. Pictures to colour. Free colouring pages, games, jigsaw puzzles.
The use of ICT in the Teaching & Learning of EFL/ESL Lecturer: MIGUEL ÁNGEL MILÁN 2. Educational resources on the Net for Infant, Primary and Secondary levels Lesson plans, tips and suggestions for teaching children. The resource bank for CLIL Teachers. ESL / EFL. Primary and Secondary Education. Printable ESL Worksheets, Games for ESL Classrooms, EFL Videos, PPT Lessons Videos, Interactive Kids Vocabulary & Grammar Quizzes, Powerpoint downloads for English teaching and learning.
The use of ICT in the Teaching & Learning of EFL/ESL Lecturer: MIGUEL ÁNGEL MILÁN 2. Educational resources on the Net for Infant, Primary and Secondary levels Pre-school activities and Crafts. Language Arts, Maths, Social Sciences, puzzles, holidays, games...
The use of ICT in the Teaching & Learning of EFL/ESL Lecturer: MIGUEL ÁNGEL MILÁN 2. Educational resources on the Net for Infant, Primary and Secondary levels The internet place for ESL+EFL teachers and students around the world. Free website for learners and teachers of English.
The use of ICT in the Teaching & Learning of EFL/ESL Lecturer: MIGUEL ÁNGEL MILÁN 3. Software for the creation of resources and material: Jclic, Hot Potatoes, Neobook, Malted, Cuadernia A set of computer applications that are used for carrying out different types of educational activities: puzzles, associations, text exercises, crosswords... The activities are not usually used alone, but packed in projects. Hot Potatoes includes six applications, enabling you to create interactive multiple-choice and short-answer activities (JQuiz), jumbled-sentence exercises (JMix), crosswords or puzzles (JCross), matching/ordering exercises (JMatch), gap-fill exercises (JCloze), and The Masher, which compiles all the Hot Potatoes exercises into one unit. Hot Potatoes is freeware. It’s used for the elaboration of multimedia activities. It includes video, text, animations and audio. Some activities that can be done are: interactive tales, presentations, didactic units, simple games, electronic magazines.
The use of ICT in the Teaching & Learning of EFL/ESL Lecturer: MIGUEL ÁNGEL MILÁN 3. Software for the creation of resources and material: Jclic, Hot Potatoes, Neobook, Malted, Cuadernia MALTED: Multimedia Authoring for Language Tutors and Educational Development. It is an authoring computer tool designed to create multimedia and interactive didactic units to be used by learners as a means to practise their learning skills in technological environments. This tool has been specifically developed for language teaching, although it may also be used for other subjects included in the school curricula. This is the online tool of the Consejería de Educación y Ciencia de Castilla-La Mancha (the Regional Department of Education and Science) to create and disseminate the ICT materials produced by teachers.
The use of ICT in the Teaching & Learning of EFL/ESL Lecturer: MIGUEL ÁNGEL MILÁN 3. Other Software: Audacity, Teacher’s Pet Audacity is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds. (very easy to use) The Teacher's Pet toolbar is a unique add-on for your word processor that can transform any text into fun classroom activities. Created by a teacher, the toolbar can make crosswords, bingo cards, jumbles, word search puzzles, flashcards, cloze tests, pair-matching puzzles and much more. Phonmap makes it easy to write/represent spoken words in 'phonemic script' without having to search through large font tables.
The use of ICT in the Teaching & Learning of EFL/ESL Lecturer: MIGUEL ÁNGEL MILÁN 4. Online Tools (1): Moodle, Joomla, eTwinning Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment Moodle is a software package for producing Internet-based courses and web-sites. It is a global development project designed to support a social constructionist framework of education. Moodle is provided freely as Open-Source software. Joomla is a Content Management System (CMS), which enables you to build Web sites and powerful online applications. It’s an open source solution and easy to use that is freely available. eTwinning is the Community for schools in Europe. Teachers can register and use the eTwinning online tools to find each other, meet virtually, exchange ideas, team up in groups, learn together in Learning Events and engage in online-based projects.
The use of ICT in the Teaching & Learning of EFL/ESL Lecturer: MIGUEL ÁNGEL MILÁN 4. Online Tools (2): Blog, Wiki, Youtube A Blog is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. (example 1 , example 2) Wikis are simple web pages that groups, friends, and families can edit together. They are fast, free and easy to use. (example) YouTube is a video sharing website on which users can upload and share videos. It can be used with educational purposes, as an educational tool.
The use of ICT in the Teaching & Learning of EFL/ESL Lecturer: MIGUEL ÁNGEL MILÁN 4. Online Tools (3): Podcast, Delicious, slideshare, NetVibes, Ning A podcast is an audio file that you download from the Internet. After you download it, you can listen to it on your computer or on an MP3/portable music player (for example, an iPod or iRiver). You can subscribe to a podcast so that it is delivered to you automatically each day, just like a newspaper. (example 1; example 2) Delicious is a social bookmarking web service for storing, sharing, and discovering web bookmarks. (example)
The use of ICT in the Teaching & Learning of EFL/ESL Lecturer: MIGUEL ÁNGEL MILÁN 5. Self-Evaluation Tools: ePEL, DIALANG, CEFTrain
The use of ICT in the Teaching & Learning of EFL/ESL Lecturer: MIGUEL ÁNGEL MILÁN Thanks for your attention!!