Master Mathematics Teacher (MMT) An MMT is …… A certified mathematics teacher who works in a leadership position on a campus to improve student achievement in mathematics and faciliate teacher growth A certified mathematics teacher who has the content knowledge to support all mathematics teachers in that grade band
MMT Certification Program About the MMT Program Provider is approved through State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC) Two components: strong mathematics content and master mathematics teacher leadership New changes in the program to be more aligned to principal certification program Requires a considerable commitment
MMT Standards Number Concepts Patterns and Algebra (includes Pre- calculus and Calculus) Geometry and Measurement Probability and Statistics Mathematical Processes, Instruction, and Assessment Mentoring, Leadership, & Perspectives
Components of Region 4 AC Program Accepted into the program Minimum 2.5 GPA 200 clock hours of instruction (face-to- face and online) 160 hours of practicum Field supervision (3 visits during classroom instruction) Begins in September 2010
Requirements for Acceptance into Region 4 ACP for MMT Official transcript with minimum 2.5 GPA Online application through Region 4 ESC Alternative Certification Program Service record showing at least 3 years of teaching mathematics in the grade band Holds a Texas Teacher Certification in 8-12 (or 6-12) mathematics Application fee
Requirements for Certification Must complete all requirements (GPA, 200 clock hours of instruction, 160-hour practicum, field supervision) to be eligible for certification Must pass the MMT test
If you are interested…. Contact Julie Horn to let her know of your interest (If enough teachers are interested, Region 4 will provide the MMT 8-12 program, beginning face-to-face classes in September Complete all application requirements Course begins in September 2010, runs through April 2011(course instruction on 2 Mondays evenings and 2 Saturdays each month, plus online, plus the practicum, plus the field visits)
More to come…. Specific dates and times Online components Details of practicum requirements Field supervision information Cost of program We hope you will join us in the fall!!!