Background of Conductive Education
Peto Institute in Budapest
Integration of Education and Rehabilitation Conductive Education Integration of Education and Rehabilitation
Education and Rehabilitation Central Nervous System Destruction Active Learning Initiative Character Education and Rehabilitation Central Nervous System Destruction Conductive Education 錦引導式教育點樣幫助中樞神經系統受損既學童呢?宜家就等我哋一齊睇吓。*每個中樞神經系統受損既學童都有機能障礙。佢哋一方面無咩能力自己做D嘢去滿足自己既需要,另一方面長期俾人幫,接受咗自己係一個受助者既自我形像,性格變得依賴同被動,匿個整體既現象就係「功能失效」。*而引導式教育強調生活與學習唔單在於技巧,而是進而到態度既層面,去建立積極主動的性格,係生活既技巧同態度上都有轉變,成為「功能生效」,匿個都係引導式教育既最終目標。 而要由「功能失效」轉變為「功能生效」,由被動既受助者,轉變為對自己生命負責,主要係透過引導式教育去培養佢哋主動學習既態度,等佢哋可以積極錦思考同學習,係教育同復康方面都能夠整全錦發展。 Orthofunction: Be responsible for one’s own life Dysfunction: Passive, dependent
Goal of Conductive Education The development of the whole personality, promoting the adoption of an active way of life, self-realization and a problem solving mentality (Kozma, 1995)
Occupational Therapist Team Work Administration Staff Teacher Physiotherapist Occupational Therapist Speech Therapist Social Worker Trans-disciplinary Team Conductor We integrate all the aspects of learning and help them to generalize what they have learnt. We have common goals, strategies and consistent approach. 其實以上既例子,都係施行引導式教育既一D基本重點同埋技巧:例如傢具與環境既設施、習作程序、節律性意向同團隊協作等。而今次我哋既經驗分享會集中講解小學至初中,係教學方面點樣應用引導式教育。宜家不如等我哋先睇睇引導式教育既主要原則。 引導式教育其中一個重要的理念就係採用引導員全面照顧學童的需要。而係香港我哋係用團隊協作的運作模式嚟體現,透過不同的交流、合作及溝通,團隊成員建立共同的目標,相同的態度、方法,以及一致既期望同要求,促使學童既學習係整合、適切同埋具延續性。 我們有共同的目標,相同的態度和方法,及一致的期望和要求。 Teacher/Therapy Assistant Educational Psychologist Nurse Parents Assistive Staff
The application of CONDUCTIVE EDUCATION in Jockey Club Elaine Field School SAHK
The CE organization structure
The CE organization structure
Task Series Jointly develop by teacher and therapists Task closely related to learning activities E.g. Page-turning task series in preparation of reading
reaching task series in preparation of using the library School-bag packing task series
The CE organization structure
The CE organization structure
Collaborative lesson planning Trans-disciplinary team The class teacher, class therapists, subject teachers and senior teacher attend the class meeting and program meeting To ensure combined education and rehabilitation cater individual needs
Customized learning aids and environment that facilitate student learning
Student goal setting Encouraging self -determination Concrete and measurable
Student goal setting Encouraging self -determination Concrete and measurable
Student Self Evaluation
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