High School Transition Helping Students Succeed By Mrs. Joan Cochran Mrs. Ellen Wood
Parent Involvement Contact the teacher by phone or Have specific questions Be aware of undue pressure Assume a supportive attitude Check daily for homework, assignments and announcements Talk to the guidance counselor
Stress the importance of academic effort Read newsletters, attend open houses, and check progress reports Stress the importance of good attendance Work with your child to develop time-management skills, study skills, and organizational skills Set boundaries and monitor activities such as TV, games, and phone use Listen to your child
Communication Skills Encourage your student to initiate communication Maintain a positive attitude Know that there are at least two sides to issues Keep communication open Know school regulations and policies Be aware of report card dates and other important information
Inquiry Process Student Teacher Teacher Student
Student/Parent Teacher Student/Parent/Teacher Counselor Student/Parent/Teacher/Counselor Administrator Student/Parent/TeacherPrincipal An inquiry process is important. More often than not, issues can be resolved at the first step of dialogue between the student and the teacher.
Transition Expectations Block scheduling Program rigor Homework demands Social opportunities Organizational skills SOL requirements The new SAT GPA Good attendance
Study Skills Students will need: Necessary supplies Note-taking skills Organizational skills Listening skills
Fall Semester English 9 Algebra 1, part A Elective PE 9 Spring Semester World History 1 Algebra 1 part B Earth Science Elective
Students must attend class 81 days each semester Course failures result when students earn 10 or more absences (for any reason) –Extended Day –Extenuating Circumstances
StandardDiploma Advanced Diploma Studies Diploma DisciplineCreditsVerified Credits CreditsVerified Credits English4242 Math3142 Science3142 Social Studies3142 Foreign Lang.3 (2+2) Health and PE22 Electives62 Fine Arts11 Selected SOL11 Totals226249
RangeLetter Grade A 90-92A B B 80-82B C C 70-72C D D Below 64E
Discipline Policy and Procedures Progressive Discipline Model Cell Phones Possession vs. Use Tardies 4 th – Warning/Parent Letter 5 th – Warning 6 th and 7 th – ISS 8 th and Beyond – OSS/Parent Conference Leaving School Grounds OSS Fighting 10 Days OSS
Thank you for coming and have a wonderful school year!