TEACHER’S NOTES : TOP 10 MODERN ARTISTS Michael Jackson EXERCISE 1 Match the artists to their descriptions. ○○○○○○○○○○○○ 1. Marcel Duchamp 2. Paul Cezanne 3. Claude Monet 4. Pablo Picasso 5. Andy Warhol 6. Gustav Klimt Founder of Impressionist painting. Father of Modernism. Helped to inspire Art Nouveau in Europe. Father of conceptual art. The Pope of Pop Art. Top ranking of the Top Ten modern artists. ○○○○○○○○○○○○
TEACHER’S NOTES : TOP 10 MODERN ARTISTS Michael Jackson EXERCISE 2 Write the root words. 1. argument = 2. disagreement = 3. definitive = 4. intensive = 5. inventive = 6. controversial = 7. appreciative = 8. ambivalence = 9. uncertainty = 10. conceptual = 11. exception = 12. influential = 13. iconic = 14. absence = argue define agree intense invent controversy appreciate ambivalent certain concept except influence icon absent
TEACHER’S NOTES : TOP 10 MODERN ARTISTS Michael Jackson The lessons are extracted from Just English Magazine Vol. 6 Issue 6 and sponsored by ELS Language Centres Malaysia