ADDING FRACTIONS Build each fraction so that the denominators are the same ADD the numerators Place the sum of the two numerators on top of the common denominator REDUCE or SIMPLIFY Examples from teacher
SUBTRACTING FRACTIONS Build each fraction so that both denominators are the same Rewrite each equivalent fraction SUBTRACT the numerators Place the difference of the two numerators on top of the common denominator REDUCE or SIMPLIFY Examples from teacher
MULTIPLYING FRACTIONS Multiply the numerators Multiply the denominators REDUCE OR SIMPLIFY Examples from teacher
DIVIDING FRACTIONS Change the ÷ (division sign) to a multiplication sign and invert (flip) the fraction to the right of the sign Multiply the numerators Multiply the denominators REDUCE or SIMPLIFY Examples from teacher
COMPARING FRACTIONS Find a common denominator Make equivalent fractions with the new denominator Compare the numerators Examples from teacher