Introduction Tasks Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Page Teacher Page Flowers for Algernon Ethics Investigation: Introduction
Your role in this investigation into Professor Nemur’s proposal for more testing is to rigorously study all of the different intelligence tests that he used to explore and judge Charlie’s intelligence. From there, you will be expected to develop a written response to submit to the rest of your ethics team, with your reasons why Nemur should or should not be allowed to continue with other human subjects. Using the information and links that you will find on the Process Page, please complete the following tasks… Your role in this investigation into Professor Nemur’s proposal for more testing is to rigorously study all of the different intelligence tests that he used to explore and judge Charlie’s intelligence. From there, you will be expected to develop a written response to submit to the rest of your ethics team, with your reasons why Nemur should or should not be allowed to continue with other human subjects. Using the information and links that you will find on the Process Page, please complete the following tasks… Task 1: Research Mazes. Task 2: Research the Rorschach Test Task 3: Research the Thematic Apperception Test Task 4: Research the IQ Test. Task 5: Prepare a report to your ethics team with your professional opinion on each test’s validity. Introduction Tasks Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Page Teacher Page Flowers for Algernon Ethics Investigation: Tasks
5. Written Response to Ethics Team: In the form of a 3.5 persuasive essay, compile a report of your findings on intelligence testing to submit to the rest of the ethics team. Included in your report should be your opinion on the validity of each of the tests you researched and your recommendation as to whether or not Professor Nemur should continue with them. Please continue to the Evaluation Page for specific requirements. 5. Written Response to Ethics Team: In the form of a 3.5 persuasive essay, compile a report of your findings on intelligence testing to submit to the rest of the ethics team. Included in your report should be your opinion on the validity of each of the tests you researched and your recommendation as to whether or not Professor Nemur should continue with them. Please continue to the Evaluation Page for specific requirements. Introduction Tasks Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Page Teacher Page Flowers for Algernon Ethics Investigation: Process
Introduction Tasks Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Page Teacher Page Flowers for Algernon Ethics Investigation: Evaluation You will be graded on the following criteria…
Introduction Tasks Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Page Teacher Page Flowers for Algernon Ethics Investigation: Conclusion "And he said that meens Im doing something grate for sience and Ill be famus and my name will go down in the books. I dont care so much about beeing famus. I just want to be smart like other pepul so I can have lots of frends who like me." In this quote from Charlie Gordon at the beginning of the novel, we hear Charlie talking about the things that Professor Nemur promised him if he agreed to participate in his research. Charlie’s motivation to become intelligent had nothing to do with actual brainpower. It had to do with being accepted and liked by others. So whether you sided with Nemur or against him, please consider the following questions: Did Charlie’s increase in intelligence really help him to reach his goals? Or did it alienate him even further from his fellow man and what he wanted out of life? In this quote from Charlie Gordon at the beginning of the novel, we hear Charlie talking about the things that Professor Nemur promised him if he agreed to participate in his research. Charlie’s motivation to become intelligent had nothing to do with actual brainpower. It had to do with being accepted and liked by others. So whether you sided with Nemur or against him, please consider the following questions: Did Charlie’s increase in intelligence really help him to reach his goals? Or did it alienate him even further from his fellow man and what he wanted out of life?
Introduction Tasks Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Page Teacher Page Flowers for Algernon Ethics Investigation: Teacher Page