Bellringer !!!.  First and Last Name (On blank side) 1. Birthday 2. 2 Hobbies or things you did over summer 3. One word to describe History 4. What is.


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Presentation transcript:

Bellringer !!!

 First and Last Name (On blank side) 1. Birthday 2. 2 Hobbies or things you did over summer 3. One word to describe History 4. What is the one thing that worries you most about being a Freshman? 5. What you expect from this class

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 Let’s move on to our policies….

 Step One: Non Verbal/Verbal Warning  Could be a look, may say your name, etc…  Step Two: Student Conference with Teacher and/or Call Home  Step Three: Detention(s)  You will be notified of receiving a detention, and may be asked to talk in the hall.  Step Four: Principal’s Meeting  The teacher has the right to skip steps in the discipline policies depending on the student action/issue.

 We will follow the BYOD school policy.  If you are not asked by the teacher to have your phone out, I do not want to see it. ▪ SIMPLE!  Step One: Warning  Asked to put it away.  Step Two: Taken until end of the day  If this becomes a reoccurring problem, detentions will be assigned.

 Please no Gum! Throw it away when you walk in.  Unless you have specific needs for food/drink to be allowed in the class (ie. Diabetic, medications, etc…) it is not permitted.  This is your “home away from home.”

 Two Inch Binder with 5 Tabs (Example and H.W. for Friday)  Loose leaf paper in the back of that binder.  Writing Utensil: Pens/Pencils  Be a good Student

 60% : Assessments  20% : Assignments  In Class assignments and participation  15% : Homework  5% : Portfolio  Checked once per quarter

 If you miss class, your missing work will be placed into the “Absent Box”  Located on wooden shelves next to my desk.  It is YOUR responsibility to check this box and complete the work if you have missed class.

 Get your work done on time. That’s life!  10 % after you have missed a due date.  You then have 7 days to turn in that assignment. After that, it WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

 Try to use the restroom between classes.  If you cannot wait, ask me and I will sign you out using the clip board.  You must have our class pass to be in the hallways.  Plan Ahead!!!

 Have a seat in the same desk that you sat in yesterday…  Please take out your notecards if I did not collect them…

 What are the four steps in the discipline policies for our classroom?  Verbal/Non Verbal Warning  Student conference and/or call home  Detention (s)  Principal Meeting

 Johnny missed breakfast this morning and has brought pop tarts and an orange juice to class.  According to our Food/Drink Policy, is this permitted?  What is the exception???

 Noelle has been warned to put her phone away, but still continues to get it out.  According to our Electronic Device Policy, what is the punishment for Noelle’s actions?  It will be taken from her and she can get it at the end of the day.

1. RESPECT!! 2. Hands and Feet to Self… 3. Be Prepared 4. Give Effort

 The pick up shelf is by the door next to the pencil sharpener. Check it!!!  We will have a bell ringer on the board everyday. Check it!  There will be an Agenda posted everyday. Check it!!

 ½ room at a time…

 Please write your name at the top of the white sheet on the name line…  DO NOT WRITE ON THE YELLOW PACKETS!  Tally as you go – then add them up in the table provided  Complete the quick BAR graph as well.

 Bring in one of the following for 10 extra credit points:  Box of tissues  Pack of highlighters  Pack of glue sticks  Colored Pencils

 Parent Contact form due:  Friday August 22 nd !!!  Must show me that you have gotten a 2 inch binder with divider tabs and paper:  Monday August 25 th.